
UiPath Installation and Upgrade

The UiPath Installation and Upgrade Guide

About Licensing

You can activate Studio using a Community license or an Enterprise license.

Community License

A free Community license can be requested, lasting for a limited period of time, which is renewable. This option can only be activated online. The Robot that comes with the Community Edition Studio can only be connected to the UiPath Orchestrator Community Edition, under your own tenant. This option is available only with UiPathStudioSetup.exe. For more information, see Activating by Signing in to UiPath.

Enterprise License

License Acquired from Orchestrator

Activate your Studio with a license acquired from Orchestrator by either signing in to your account or connecting to Orchestrator with your machine key. When the connection is established, a license is consumed from Orchestrator. For more information, see Licensing in the Orchestrator Guide.

Depending on the type of license selected, you can perform the following:

  • Attended - UiPath Studio is used with an Attended license, which means that the user can only run or debug processes, and not edit workflows.
  • RPA Developer / Citizen Developer / RPA Developer Pro- UiPath Studio is licensed with its native type of license, which means that the user can run, modify, and debug processes.
  • Non-Production - UiPath Studio is used with a Non-Production license, meaning that the user can troubleshoot workflows.
  • Unattended - UiPath Studio is used with an Unattended license, meaning that the user can troubleshoot workflows.

Local License

You can activate Studio with a stand-alone Enterprise trial or license key. This type of license activates the Enterprise Edition of Studio. This activation can be done both online or offline. For more information, see Activating with a License Key.

If you already have a local license for your Studio, but still want to connect it to Orchestrator, make sure to select the Stand-alone license checkbox in Orchestrator when creating the Robot. This ensures that Orchestrator does not allocate a license from its pool of licenses, as your Studio defaults to the local one.

Updated about a year ago

About Licensing

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