
UiPath Studio

The UiPath Studio Guide


The following tutorials and examples are found in dedicated chapters throughout this guide. This page serves as a central point for accessing these examples.

Processes and Libraries


Automating UI Elements

Control Flow

  • Using the Delay Activity
    Learn to use this activity that enables you to pause the automation for a custom period of time.
  • Using a Do While Activity
    Check out an example of the activity that can be used to step through all the elements of an array.
  • Using an If Activity
    Follow an example of the activity that contains a statement and two conditions.
  • Using a Switch Activity
    Learn to use this activity that enables you to select one choice out of multiple, based on the value of a specified expression.
  • Using a While Activity
    Check out an example on the While activity that enables you to execute a specific process repeatedly, while a specific condition is met.
  • Using a For Each Activity
    Learn to use this activity for stepping through arrays, lists, data tables or other types of collections.
  • Using a Break Activity
    Check out an example of this activity that enables you to stop the loop at a chosen point, and then continues with the next activity.

Source Control

  • Working with Git
    Learn to authenticate to GIT, clone a repository, commit and push to GIT, create and manage branches, and more.
  • Set up and Work with TFS
    Follow the steps to set up TFS, open and add a project, edit and checking changes to your TFS repository.
  • Working with SVN
    Learn to open and add a project to SVN, edit and check changes to your SVN repository.



Updated 3 years ago


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