Objects Browser is currently an Experimental feature currently under development and subject to change. Such beta features are not supported for Enterprise customers. Projects which use this feature are not guaranteed to be backward compatible with future iterations of Studio. Object Browser is currently available only with a Community license.
Add to Snippets
UI descriptors and UI libraries from the UI Objects Browser can be added to the Snippets panel for later use in other projects. Right-click an application, screen, or element and select Add to Snippets. Such uniquely identified applications are added together with child screens and UI Elements.
From the Snippets panel, you can find references, edit, and add descriptors to your project via the context menu option available in the application version menu. Adding screens and UI elements to your project can be done via the same context menu available for each of the elements.
Any added resource, be it a descriptor, a screen, a version of an application, or a whole application can be removed from the Snippets panel, without affecting the existence of that resource in other areas of the project, such as the UI Objects Browser panel.
The Snippets panel plays the role of a locally shared UI descriptor repository that can hold descriptors from any of your local projects and make them available for other projects.
Multiple versions can be created for the same application inside the Snippets panel. To do this, right-click on the application, choose Create Version.
Fill in the details of the new version in the New Application Version Inside Snippets dialog, then click Create version.
Project UI descriptors can be published from the Snippets panel.
Find References
Using the Find References option you can check whether the UI Element or UI Descriptor from your library is used throughout the project.
To do so, right-click a UI Element in the Descriptors tab from any of the Objects Browser panels (Project UI Descriptors, UI Libraries, or Snippets - UI Descriptors) and select Find References. The results are displayed in the Find References panel. Double-clicking on a result focuses the activity that uses the UI Element.
Extract as UI Library Project
The project's descriptors can be extracted to a separate UI library project and later published. Click on the Extract as UI Library Project icon in the Descriptors tab and provide a name for your library in the New UI Library window.
Click Create and the descriptors are extracted.
Click Yes to close the current project and open the extracted descriptors in a library project, or No to return to the current workflow.
After opening the extracted UI library, you can publish it and use it in other workflows.
Publish a UI Library
When you publish a UI library, a .nupkg
package is created which can be installed in another project as a dependency and its descriptors used as selectors in other activities. Such packages may be published to Orchestrator and shared across your organization.
You can publish, the entire workflow together with its UI library, the local UI library from the Snippets panels, or the extracted UI library.
Publishing the entire workflow or the extracted UI library is done in the same way as for any other process. Read more about Publishing Projects.
Publish a Locally Shared UI Library
To publish the locally shared UI library that may contain descriptors that are spread across multiple local projects, go to the Snippets panel, right-click the UI library, an application, or a version and select Publish.
Please note that this option should only be used for testing purposes. The resulted package is not intended to be shared across the organization.
In the UI Descriptors tab select the applications and versions that you wish to publish. You can choose to publish all applications or only a few of them.
Load UI Libraries in Projects
Create a process in Studio. From the Manage Packages window, go to the feed where you published your UI Library and install it to your current project, just as you would an activity package. The UI Library is added as a dependency to your project, and its descriptors are visible in the UI Objects Browser panel, under UI Libraries. Please note that one UI Library can contain a single version of a UI Descriptor and a single version of an application.
The descriptors in the UI Libraries section can also be added to the local project. To do this, right-click the application name and choose Add to UI Objects.
Whenever you need to use a Screen or UI Element from the project's Descriptors panel or the UI Libraries section, simply drag and drop it on top of an activity that supports Objects Browser. The activity automatically picks up the descriptor.
The version of the UI library is not incremented in the Publish window. When publishing a new version of the same UI library make sure to properly add the new version number.
From the Project panel, you can add libraries directly to the UI Objects Browser or the Snippets panel:
Updated 2 years ago