
UiPath Installation and Upgrade

The UiPath Installation and Upgrade Guide

Backward and Forward Compatibility

UiPath Approach

Activity Packages

Activity package versions are independent of Studio, Robot, or Orchestrator versions, with the exception of Orchestrator activities. For example, the Start Job activity, introduced in v2018.1, only works on v2018.1 Robots or newer.

Automation Projects

Projects created with alpha or beta Studio versions might not be compatible with newer Studio builds, nor can they be executed by newer Robots.
We support backward compatibility, with the exception of breaking changes announced in the official release notes, and in accordance with the product lifecycle.
Projects created with older versions of Studio can be executed on newer Robots. For example, a project created with Studio v2018.4 should work on a v2019.10 Robot or newer.
We do not support forward compatibility. Projects created with newer versions of Studio might not work with older Robots. For example, a project created in Studio v2019.10 might not work with a v2018.4 Robot.

Technical Compatibility Matrix

The below matrices provide information about the interoperability between Studio, Robot, and Orchestrator according to their versions and Orchestrator's delivery model. Patches are implicitly supported in this matrix unless specifically mentioned otherwise.

By not upgrading, you are restricted to using the features of the smallest installed version of either Robot or Orchestrator.

It is usually recommended to first upgrade your Orchestrator and then your Robots. In this scenario, the Robots have to be reconnected to Orchestrator after the update.



Some versions are no longer supported. Please refer to the product lifecycle for more information. We don't support interoperability between two products if one of them is out of support.


Studio and Robot always need to have the same version.

Studio 20.10.xStudio 20.4.xStudio 19.10.xStudio 19.4.xStudio 18.4.x
Robot 20.10.x
Robot 20.4.x
Robot 19.10.x
Robot 19.4.x
Robot 18.4.x


Full backward compatibility is maintained through the use of classic folders, which maintain the same functionality of previous Orchestrator versions ensuring that your existing resources and integrations function without interruption.

Taking advantage of the additional features and capabilities of modern folders does, however, require the use of the latest Robot and Activities versions. See a comparison between modern folders and classic folders on the Key Features and Behavior page.

On-Premises Orchestrator

Orch 20.4.xOrch 19.10.xOrch 19.4.xOrch 18.4.x
Robot 20.4.x 1, 4
Robot 19.10.x 2 1 1 1
Robot 19.4.x 1, 2, 3 1, 3 1 1
Robot 18.4.x 1, 2, 3 1, 3 1 1

1 - If the Scalability.SignalR.AuthenticationEnabled parameter is set to true, you can only use v2018.4.4 Robots or above. For more information, see this page.
2 - Robots v2019.10 and older cannot execute unattended processes in modern folders.
3 - Robots v2019.FT and older only work with classic folders.
4 - TLS 1.1 / TLS 1.2 must be enabled.

Automation Cloud Orchestrator

For Orchestrator services residing in Automation Cloud, we ensure backward compatibility with the latest three Robot enterprise releases. If you are using the third last Robot version, we advise you to make the necessary arrangements and upgrade priorly to UiPath releasing the next Robot version.

Cloud Orch
Latest Robot Version
Mainstream Support
Penultimate Robot Version
Mainstream Support
Antepenultimate Robot Version
Extended Support

Say you are using Orchestrator services in March 2021, just before the 21.4 release. If you are using 19.10 Robots, you need to take notice of the fact that following the 21.4 release, 19.10 Robots are out of extended support and no longer guaranteed to work with Automation Cloud Orchestrator services.




Some versions are no longer supported. Please refer to the product lifecycle for more information. We don't support interoperability between two products if one of them is out of support.

Updated 2 years ago

Backward and Forward Compatibility

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