
UiPath Installation and Upgrade

The UiPath Installation and Upgrade Guide

Backup and Restore

This page provides an overview, with links to detailed instruction, of the process and procedure for backing-up and restoring your Orchestrator deployment and all its settings and features.


  1. Backup your Orchestrator database.
  2. Backup the Orchestrator Web.config file to save your configuration settings.
  3. Backup all NuGet package directories.
  4. If also using Insights:
    a. Backup your Insights database using the same procedure as that for the Orchestrator database.
    b. Backup Insights Dashboards.


  1. If migrating to a new environment, Install Orchestrator and Insights, if previously used.
  2. Restore the desired Orchestrator database backup.
  3. Restore the original web.config file.
  4. Restore all Nuget package directories.
  5. If Insights was previously used, also:
    a. Restore your Insights database using the same procedure as that for the Orchestrator database.
    b. Restore your Insights Dashboards.

Updated 2 years ago

Backup and Restore

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