
UiPath Installation and Upgrade

The UiPath Installation and Upgrade Guide

Azure App Service Installation Script

The Azure installation script enables you to install Orchestrator on one or multiple nodes.



All the steps are mandatory in the installation procedures listed below. Orchestrator does not work without installing Identity Server.

Single Node Installation

To install Orchestrator on an Azure App Service perform the following steps:

Orchestrator-Specific Steps

  1. In the Azure Portal, under App Services, create a new app service with a custom name such as UiPathOrchestrator. For more information, see Microsoft's official documentation.
  2. Set the database connection string in the Application Settings of the web app, with the name Default. For example, Server=;Initial Catalog=UiPath;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=dbUser;Password=pass123; MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True; Connection Timeout=30;TrustServerCertificate=True.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > General Settings tab and select 64-bit for the Platform.
  4. Create an Azure AD application and service principal that can access your Orchestrator App Service and Resource Group. Optionally, ask your friendly DevOps team to provide you with an Azure Service Principal ID and Password that can access the App Service and associated Resource Group.

Identity Server-Specific Steps

  1. In the Azure Portal, under App Services, create a new app service with a custom name such as UiPathIdentity. For more information, see Microsoft's official documentation.
  2. Set the database connection string in the Application Settings of the web app, with the name DefaultConnection. For example, Server=;Initial Catalog=UiPath;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=dbUser;Password=pass123; MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True; Connection Timeout=30;TrustServerCertificate=True.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > General Settings tab and select 64-bit for the Platform.
  4. Create an Azure AD application and service principal that can access your Identity App Service and Resource Group. Optionally, ask your friendly DevOps team to provide you with an Azure Service Principal ID and Password that can access the App Service and associated Resource Group.

General Steps

  1. Download the archive to your local machine. This contains all the scripts necessary to install Orchestrator, Identity Server, and Webhooks Service. UiPath provides the archive on request. Contact us for details.
  2. Extract the content of the zip file into a folder on your machine.
  3. Run the Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 script, in PowerShell, using the parameters described here. Check out this example.
  4. Run the Publish-IdentityServer.ps1 script, in PowerShell, using the parameters described here and complete the process as described here.
  5. Run the MigrateTo-IdentityServer.ps1 script, in PowerShell, using the parameters described here. Check out this example.
  6. Install the Webhooks Service.
  7. Start the Orchestrator and Identity app services. Enjoy using Orchestrator on your Azure Portal.

Multi-node Installation

To install Orchestrator on multiple nodes on an Azure App Service perform the following steps:

Orchestrator-Specific Steps

  1. In the Azure Portal, under App Services, create a new app service with a custom name such as UiPathOrchestrator. For more information, see Microsoft's official documentation.
  2. Set the database connection string in the Application Settings of the web app, with the name "Default". For example, Server=;Initial Catalog=UiPath;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=dbUser;Password=pass123; MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True; Connection Timeout=30;TrustServerCertificate=True.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > General Settings tab and select 64-bit for the Platform.
  4. Create an Azure AD application and service principal that can access your Orchestrator App Service and Resource Group. Optionally, ask your friendly DevOps team to provide you with an Azure Service Principal ID and Password that can access the App Service and associated Resource Group.
  5. In the Scale out (App Service plan) tab, select the Scale to a specific instance count option and provide the desired Instance count.

Identity Server-Specific Steps

  1. In the Azure Portal, under App Services, create a new app service with a custom name such as UiPathIdentity. For more information, see Microsoft's official documentation.
  2. Set the database connection string in the Application Settings of the web app, with the name DefaultConnection. For example, Server=;Initial Catalog=UiPath;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=dbUser;Password=pass123; MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True; Connection Timeout=30;TrustServerCertificate=True.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > General Settings tab and select 64-bit for the Platform.
  4. Create an Azure AD application and service principal that can access your Identity App Service and Resource Group. Optionally, ask your friendly DevOps team to provide you with an Azure Service Principal ID and Password that can access the App Service and associated Resource Group.

General Steps

  1. Download the archive to your local machine. This contains all the scripts necessary to install Orchestrator, Identity Server, and Webhooks Service. UiPath provides the archive on request. Contact us for details.
  2. Extract the content of the zip file into a folder on your machine.
  3. Run the Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 script, in PowerShell, using the parameters described here. Check out this example.
  4. Run the Publish-IdentityServer.ps1 script, in PowerShell, using the parameters described here and complete the process as described here.
  5. Run the MigrateTo-IdentityServer.ps1 script, in PowerShell, using the parameters described here. Check out this example.
  6. Install the Webhooks Service.
  7. Start the Orchestrator and Identity app services. Enjoy using Orchestrator on your Azure Portal.

Updated 2 years ago

Azure App Service Installation Script

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