
UiPath Installation and Upgrade

The UiPath Installation and Upgrade Guide

Command Line Parameters

Command Line Arguments Descriptions

It is possible to install or update the entire UiPath suite using the command line, provided you have the UiPath Orchestrator Windows installer (UiPathOrchestrator.msi). The table below lists all the available parameters you can use with Orchestrator, paired with some examples.

For the command line arguments that can be used with Studio and Robot, please see this topic.



The UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe does not accept command line arguments.

Installation Parameters

/qHelps you install the specified UiPath features silently, without displaying the user interface.
/l*vx <LogFile>Generates an installer log file at the specified path. You can send the file further to our support team if, for any reason, you encounter difficulties during the installation process.
ADDLOCALEnables you to select what features you want to install.

It supports the following options:

OrchestratorFeature - install Orchestrator (mandatory).

IdentityFeature - install Identity Server(mandatory).

InsightsFeature - enables the Insights feature. This feature may be added/removed after installation by going to Add/Remove Programs and selecting Change on UiPath Orchestrator.

TestAutomationFeature - enables the Test Automation feature. This feature may be added/removed after installation by going to Add/Remove Programs and selecting Change on UiPath Orchestrator.
APP_ENCRYPTION_KEYEnables you to use an existing Orchestrator database (older or current version) in a clean installation. Just input the matching encryption key of the original installation of that database.
Note: This use case is intended for existing pre v2020.4 Orchestrator databases. To use a v2020.4 existing database, make sure that the Identity and Test Automation schemas are in separate databases.
APP_NUGET_PACKAGES_KEYThe license key to your NuGet account.
If the activities and packages are stored in the same NuGet feed, the value of this parameter and APP_NUGET_ACTIVITIES_KEY must be the same.
APP_NUGET_ACTIVITIES_KEYThe license key to your NuGet account.
If the activities and packages are stored in the same NuGet feed, the value of this parameter and APP_NUGET_PACKAGES_KEY must be the same.
PARAMETERS_FILEEnables you to pass the following parameters in a .json file:
TELEMETRY_ENABLEDEnables or disables the usage and performance data collection that UiPath uses to diagnose problems and improve Orchestrator. For more details about UiPath’s privacy practices, please review the privacy statement.

When used, this parameter changes the value of a web.config key named Telemetry.Enabled.

If set to 0 (TELEMETRY_ENABLED=0), the telemetry feature is disabled, and the Telemetry.Enabled key is set to false.

If set to 1 (TELEMETRY_ENABLED=1), the telemetry feature is enabled, and the Telemetry.Enabled key is set to true.

The TELEMETRY_ENABLED parameter can also be added when updating your Orchestrator instance. If omitted, the previous value is preserved.

If the key was missing in the previous version of Orchestrator and you do not provide the TELEMETRY_ENABLED parameter during the update, Telemetry.Enabled is automatically set to true.

IIS Parameters

ORCHESTRATORFOLDEREnables you to install Orchestrator in a custom location. By default, Orchestrator is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator.
WEBSITE_NAMEThe name of your Orchestrator website, for example UiPath Orchestrator.
WEBSITE_HOSTThe device on which Orchestrator is installed.
WEBSITE_PORTThe port you want to use to enable the communication between the computer and Orchestrator. If not specified, the default value 443 is used to enable you to use HTTPS.
WEBSITE_PORT_DO_VALIDATEEnables you to select if a validation of the website port availability is performed. The available options are:
0 - No validation is performed.
1 - A validation is performed.
WEBSITE_PORT_FIREWALLEnables you to select if firewall rules are automatically added for this port. The available options are:
0 - Firewall rules are not added.
1 - Firewall rules are added.
CERTIFICATE_SUBJECTThe name of the SSL certificate you want to use to secure connections with Orchestrator. If not specified, by default the full computer name is used.
This parameter is mandatory for multi-node installations. Orchestrator-Identity Server integration does not work if different certificates are used on the different nodes of the installation.

Application Pool Parameters

APPPOOL_NAMEThe name of the Application Pool used for Orchestrator.
APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPEIt can only be used with the Orchestrator feature. The type of application pool you are using for Orchestrator. It supports the following values: USER and APPPOOLIDENTITY.
APPPOOL_USER_NAMEThe username running the application pool. This parameter needs to be included only if APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE was set to USER.
APPPOOL_PASSWORDThe password of the user running the application pool. This parameter needs to be included only if APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE was set to USER.

Database Parameters

DB_SERVER_NAMEThe name of the server on which the database you want to use is located. Please note that the following special characters are not supported: an empty space, \, /, *, :, ?, ", <, >, |, and the maximum length is 123 characters.

It can only be used on the first Orchestrator installation, with the Orchestrator feature and all the other database specific parameters. If you want to use the database of a previous installation, do so by specifying the APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter.
DB_DATABASE_NAMEThe name of the database you want to connect to.

It can only be used on the first Orchestrator installation, with the Orchestrator feature and all the other database specific parameters. If you want to use the database of a previous installation, do so by specifying the APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter.
DB_AUTHENTICATION_MODEEnables you to choose the authentication method for the database. It can have the following two parameters WINDOWS or SQL.

It can only be used on the first Orchestrator installation, with the Orchestrator feature and all the other database specific parameters. If you want to use the database of a previous installation, do so by specifying the APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter.
DB_USER_NAMETo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user.

It can only be used on the first Orchestrator installation, with the Orchestrator feature and all the other database specific parameters. If you want to use the database of a previous installation, do so by specifying the APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter.
DB_PASSWORDTo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user password.

It can only be used on the first Orchestrator installation, with the Orchestrator feature and all the other database specific parameters. If you want to use the database of a previous installation, do so by specifying the APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter.

Identity Server Parameters

IS_DATABASE_NAMEThe name of the database you want Identity Server to use. The default value is the name of the Orchestrator database.
IS_DB_SERVERThe server where the Identity Server database is created. The default value is the Orchestrator server, but it can be changed.
IS_DB_AUTHENTICATION_MODEEnables you to choose the authentication method for the database. It can have the following two parameters WINDOWS or SQL.
IS_DB_USER_NAMETo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user.
IS_DB_PASSWORDTo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user password.
PUBLIC_URLThe Orchestrator URL to which the Identity Server connects.

For single node installations, the default value is the name of the machine where Orchestrator is being installed.
For example, PUBLIC_URL = https://mymachine.domain.local

For multi-node installations, it is the URL of the load balancer.
For example, PUBLIC_URL = https://orchestrator.mydomain.local

This paramter is mandatory for upgrades from pre-20.4 versions.
IS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECTThe subject or the thumbprint of the certificate used by UiPath Identity server for token signing.
This parameter is mandatory in clean installations and in upgrades from pre-20.4 versions.

Insights Parameters

DB_INSIGHTS_DATABASE_NAMEThe name of the Insights database specified when installing Orchestrator.
DB_INSIGHTS_SERVER_NAMEUsed to identify the device on which Insights is installed. By default this is set to the machine host name but can be edited. This name must be resolvable from an external server.
DB_INSIGHTS_AUTHENTICATION_MODEEnables you to choose the authentication method for the database. It can have the following two parameters WINDOWS or SQL.
DB_INSIGHTS_USER_NAMETo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user.
DB_INSIGHTS_USER_PASSWORDTo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user password.

Test Automation Parameters

TA_DATABASE_NAMEThe name of the Test Automation database. This may be the same as the Orchestrator database.
TA_DB_SERVER_NAMEUsed to identify the device on which the Test Automation database is installed. By default this is set to the machine host name but can be edited. This name must be resolvable from an external server.
TA_DB_AUTHENTICATION_MODEEnables you to choose the authentication method for the database. It can have the following two parameters WINDOWS or SQL.
TA_DB_USER_NAMETo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user.
TA_DB_PASSWORDTo be used only if you chose the SQL authentication method. The SQL database user password.

Elasticsearch Parameters

ELASTIC_URLThe Elasticsearch URL to which you want to log information.
ELASTIC_REQUIRES_AUTHEnables you to indicate if your Elasticsearch instance requires authentication. If set to true, you are required to also provide the ELASTIC_USER_NAME and ELASTIC_USER_PASSWORD parameters.
ELASTIC_USER_NAMEEnables you to specify your Elastisearch username. To use this parameter, ensure that you set ELASTIC_REQUIRES_AUTH to true.
For example, ELASTIC_USER_NAME=myuser.
ELASTIC_USER_PASSWORDEnables you to specify your Elasticsearch password. To use this parameter, ensure that you set ELASTIC_REQUIRES_AUTH to true.
For example, ELASTIC_USER_PASSWORD=pass.

Authentication Parameters

HOSTADMIN_PASSWORDMandatory. Enables you to set a custom password for the host administrator. Please note that passwords have to be least 8 characters long, and must have at least one lowercase character and at least one digit.
HOSTADMIN_PASSWORD_ONETIMEOptional. Enables you to enforce a password reset on the first login for the host administrator . If this parameter is omitted, the host admin password is not a one-time password.

Please note that this parameter can only be used in conjunction with HOSTADMIN_PASSWORD.
DEFAULTTENANTADMIN_PASSWORDMandatory. Enables you to set a custom password for the default tenant administrator. Please note that passwords have to be least 8 characters long, and must have at least one lowercase character and at least one digit.
DEFAULTTENANTADMIN_PASSWORD_ONETIMEOptional. Enables you to enforce a password reset on the first login for the default tenant administrator. If this parameter is omitted, the tenant admin password is not a one-time password.

Please note that this parameter can only be used in conjunction with DEFAULTTENANTADMIN_PASSWORD.
WINDOWS_AUTHENTICATIONEnables you to select whether Orchestrator may be accessed using the Windows credentials. The available options are:
(empty) - Windows authentication is disabled.
true - Windows authentication is enabled.
DOMAINThe Windows domain from which Orchestrator can be accessed. Only required if WINDOWS_AUTHENTICATION is enabled.

Multi-Node Configuration Parameters

REDIS_HOSTThe name of your Redis server, for example DOCWREDIS02.
REDIS_PASSWORDThe password for your Redis server. Required only when using the REDIS_HOST parameter.
REDIS_PORTThe port used for your Redis server. If not provided, the default Redis port (6379) is used.
QUARTZ_CLUSTEREDUsed to indicate if the Quartz scheduling framework used for Jobs scheduling is clustered.
The available options are:
0 - Clustering is not enabled.
1 - Clustering is enabled.
SECONDARY_NODEEnables you to install Orchestrator secondary nodes. It must be added as follows: SECONDARY_NODE=1. For more information on how to deploy Orchestrator in a multi-node environment, please see this page.
STORAGE_TYPEUsed to define where NuGet packages are saved when using a Composite repository type. See here for details.
The available options are:
STORAGE_LOCATIONRequired only when using the STORAGE_TYPE parameter.
The location where the NuGet packages are saved. See here for details.
OUTPUT_PARAMETERS_FILEUsed to specify the file name (or path) in order for Orchestrator.msi to generate a json file with all the installation parameters.

In multi-node scenarios, generate this file on the first node and then use it on all the other nodes.


These examples have been written considering that you are already in the directory in which the UiPathOrchestrator.msi installer is located. You can do this with the following command, for example: cd D:\UiPathOrchestrator.msi.

  • Silently install Orchestrator in a custom location which is connected to an SQL database with SQL credentials:
  • Update a previous Orchestrator installation adding Test Automation feature, and use the same database as before: UiPathOrchestrator.msi ADDLOCAL=TestAutomationFeature APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE=USER APPPOOL_USER_NAME=serviceAccount APPPOOL_PASSWORD=1234qwer TA_DATABASE_NAME=UiPath IS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT=SigningCertificate PUBLIC_URL=https://orchestrator.local
  • Clean install Orchestrator and add custom one-time passwords for the default tenant admin and the host admin: UiPathOrchestrator.msi APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE=USER APPPOOL_USER_NAME=serviceAccount APPPOOL_PASSWORD=1234qwer HOSTADMIN_PASSWORD=Pass1234 HOSTADMIN_PASSWORD_ONETIME=1 DEFAULTTENANTADMIN_PASSWORD=Pass0987 DEFAULTTENANTADMIN_PASSWORD_ONETIME=1
  • Generate an installer log file and disable telemetry:
    UiPathOrchestrator.msi TELEMETRY_ENABLED=0 /l*vx log.txt
  • Perform a multi-node Orchestrator installation:
    • Node 1: UiPathOrchestrator.msi OUTPUT_PARAMETERS_FILE=myconfig.json REDIS_HOST=redis.local REDIS_PASSWORD=1234 STORAGE_LOCATION=\\fileserver\share QUARTZ_CLUSTERED=1 and configure the rest of the parameters from the interface
    • Node 2 ... n: UiPathOrchestrator.msi PARAMETERS_FILE=myconfig.json SECONDARY_NODE=1 /Q
  • A sample parameters .json file:
    "Properties": [
        { "Name": "ADDLOCAL", "Value": "OrchestratorFeature" },
        { "Name": "REMOVE", "Value": "" },

        { "Name": "ORCHESTRATORFOLDER", "Value": "C:\\or_dir" },
        { "Name": "WEBSITE_NAME", "Value": "UiPath Orchestrator" },
        { "Name": "WEBSITE_PORT", "Value": "443" },
        { "Name": "WEBSITE_PORT_DO_VALIDATE", "Value": "1" },
        { "Name": "WEBSITE_PORT_FIREWALL", "Value": "1" },
        { "Name": "CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT", "Value": "" },

        { "Name": "APPPOOL_NAME", "Value": "UiPath Orchestrator" },
        { "Name": "APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE", "Value": "APPPOOLIDENTITY" },
        { "Name": "APPPOOL_USER_NAME", "Value": "documentation" },
        { "Name": "APPPOOL_PASSWORD", "Value": "password" },

        { "Name": "DB_SERVER_NAME", "Value": "." },
        { "Name": "DB_DATABASE_NAME", "Value": "UiPath" },
        { "Name": "DB_AUTHENTICATION_MODE", "Value": "SQL" },
        { "Name": "DB_USER_NAME", "Value": "doc" },
        { "Name": "DB_PASSWORD", "Value": "db_password" },

        { "Name": "ELASTIC_URL", "Value": "" },
        { "Name": "ELASTIC_REQUIRES_AUTH", "Value": "" },
        { "Name": "ELASTIC_USER_NAME", "Value": "" },
        { "Name": "ELASTIC_USER_PASSWORD", "Value": "" },

        { "Name": "HOSTADMIN_PASSWORD", "Value": "host_password" },
        { "Name": "HOSTADMIN_PASSWORD_ONETIME", "Value": "1" },
        { "Name": "DEFAULTTENANTADMIN_PASSWORD", "Value": "tenant_password" },
        { "Name": "DEFAULTTENANTADMIN_PASSWORD_ONETIME", "Value": "0" },
        { "Name": "WINDOWS_AUTHENTICATION", "Value": "" },
        { "Name": "DOMAIN", "Value": "" },



The parameters.json file contains sensitive information about the Orchestrator installation, as well as credentials necessary for subsequent installations. Make sure this file is kept in a secure location.

Updated 2 years ago

Command Line Parameters

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