
UiPath Robot

The UiPath Robot Guide


Release date: 26 April 2021

For the UiPath Assistant and Robot, this release focuses on user experience, accessibility and performance, adding a more immersive usability of the UiPath Assistant by integrating with other products while making sure the Robot works better by using newer technologies and configurations.

What’s New

Widgets In UiPath Assistant

Starting with this release, you can add Widgets in the UiPath Assistant a lot more easily, by making use of Automation Ops and Orchestrator Libraries. This release also includes the very first UiPath developed widget, the Apps Widget, bringing your UiPath Apps right at a click away in the UiPath Assistant.

Read more about Widgets on this page.

.NET 5 Migration

In v2021.4 release, the UiPath Robot Service has been migrated from .NET Framework 4.6.1 to .NET 5. This brings improvements in terms of performance, stability, and security. The UiPath Robot Executor continues to run on .NET Framework 4.6.1 meaning that if a process was created using an older version of Studio, it still works on v2021.4 Robots .

64-bit MSI Installer

UiPathStudio.msi is now a 64-bit installer. A 32-bit version (UiPathStudio-x86.msi) is also available and can only be installed on 32-bit operating systems. You can use the 64-bit installer to update any Studio 2018.4 or newer 32-bit installation.

The UiPathStudio.msi installation wizard also received an improved user interface, making it easier to configure the installation.

❗ Use the 64-bit UiPathStudio.msi installer to update your existing 32-bit Studio installations on 64-bit operating systems.



When upgrading from older versions to v2021.4 on 64-bit OS, the installation files are moved from C:\Program Files (x86) to C:\Program Files, unless a custom installation folder is used. This change can affect scripts using hardcoded paths. Make sure to review them before use.

Flush logs command

A new command has been introduced which allows you to push pending locally stored logs towards Orchestrator.

Adjusting Flush Logs Interval

For more control over logs, you are now able to adjust the flush interval and flush size for the SubmitLogs endpoint is now possible using two new settings in the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file:

  • RobotsLogs.Flush.Interval - value: default 0 (seconds)

  • RobotsLogs.Flush.BatchSize. - value: default 100 (logs)

Send Processes to Desktop

From now on, you can bring your processes everywhere in Windows. From the contextual menu press “Send to desktop” and simply create a desktop shortcut that you can use in order to start the process.

Drag and Drop

Processes can now be added to the UiPath’s Assistant Launchpad by simply dragging and dropping them from the left column.



Proxy Improvements

The Robot’s capabilities have been improved to work better in environments that use Proxy configurations. Starting with the v2021.4 release, the service mode Robot Service now requires a specific configuration to be made in the uipath.config file from the installation folder, while the user processes, including user mode Robot Service and Executer inherits the Proxy Settings available in the Internet Options or Proxy Settings of the user.

Adding to this, proxy configurations are migrated during an update from the proxy.config file to uipath.config in order to match the new format. Read the redirecting robots through a proxy document for more details.

Ability to set up keyboard shortcuts from the Process Details page

For a more efficient use of the UiPath Assistant, Keyboard shortcuts can now be added directly from the Process Details section. Simply click on the process name and its details are displayed in the right panel, then add your preferred shortcut and save.

Mandatory Input Arguments

For better visibility, input arguments which are set as mandatory now have an asterisk * next to their fields in the UiPath Assistant to make it clear.

Better Error Messages for the LicenseTool Utility

To help you troubleshoot errors more easily, the error message displayed when you use the UiPath.LicenseTool.exe command line utility with incomplete parameters now lists the missing parameters.

Breaking Changes

End of Support for Robot Tray

Starting with the v2021.4 release, the old Robot Tray is being deprecated, making the UiPath Assistant the only point of contact for attended automation.

Platform Installer Deprecation

Starting with v2021.4, Studio and Robot can only be installed using UiPathStudio.exe, UiPathStudio.msi and the 32 bit equivalent marked as UiPathStudio(x86).msi since the Platform Installer has been deprecated.

Known Issues

Run Parallel Process In PiP Not Respecting Selected Session

A process configured to use the "Run Parallel Process" activity which has target session = "Main" (or process default when the parameter is set to Main) starts the process in the PiP session instead of Main session.

The workaround consists in the process having an "Invoke Workflow" activity with the target session parameter set to Main in which the “Run Parallel Process” activity should be added.

Signature Validation Modes Changes

Starting with the v2021.2 release, the following settings for Package Signature Verification are no longer populated in the Nuget.config file at install:

  • SignatureValidationMode parameter

  • UiPath added as both repository and author in the trustedSigners tag

Please check this document which provides a more in-depth explanation of the change.

Default Windows credentials are not used for proxy connection

Proxy Authentication that was previously configured by adding the useDefaultCredentials="true" parameter in the proxy.config file no longer works.

Permissions Conflict Between User Service and Executor

If the User Service (UiPath.Service.UserHost.exe) is started with elevated permissions (run as administrator) either by Studio or Assistant, an invoked process or isolated invoke workflow activity fails with error exit code 0xFFFFFFFF. This is happening as the executor does not start with elevated permissions and cannot connect to the user service.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue causing the UiPath Assistant to not use input arguments coming from Orchestrator has been fixed.

  • An issue causing RobotJs to become unresponsive after approving consent has been fixed.


🛈 UiPath periodically releases patches that include fixes and improvements when there is a business need. The documentation for a specific version reflects the latest patch on that version. Product changes in-between patches can be checked in the release notes. For example, in May 2021, the documentation for Studio 2020.10 illustrates its latest patch, namely 2020.10.7.

Updated about a year ago


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