
UiPath Robot

The UiPath Robot Guide

High-Density Robots

High-Density Robots is a feature that ensures a full utilization of each machine at your disposal at its maximum potential. As a result, regardless of the Windows version a machine is running on, if you have multiple users on it, you can register a Robot on each of the users.

Any type of Robot, be it an Attended, Unattended or NonProduction one can be configured in a High-Density environment.

High-Density Robots can be installed in user-mode. Community versions install High-Density Robots by default, while running the UiPathStudio.msi file requires you to NOT install the Robot Service.

The High-Density environment has the following advantages:

  • On a machine with a Windows Server (2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016 and 2019) or Azure Windows 10 Enterprise Multi-session operating system:
    • you can run the same process with all Robots in the same time;
    • you can run different processes with all Robots in the same time.



On the same machine, you have to connect all users as Robots to Orchestrator, with the same Machine Name and Key. Meaning that all robots from one machine must be connected to the same Orchestrator tenant, and in the same environment.

If you register a new Robot to Orchestrator on a machine that is running the UiPath Robot service, you do not have to restart the service. It is recommended to wait at most 30 seconds for the heartbeat to be submitted.

To set up High-Density Robots on a Windows Server machine, please see the Setting Up Windows Server for High-Density Robots chapter.



To use HD Robots, the LoginToConsole parameter has to be set on false for all Robots. See the Windows Sessions and UiPath.Settings File Description documents for more information on the functionality that LoginToConsole parameter refers to.

Updated about a year ago

High-Density Robots

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