
UiPath Robot

The UiPath Robot Guide

Logging and Log Levels


During process execution, the Robot generates a message (Log) for each step along the way. These are gathered and stored in a Log File. The overall operation of gathering and storing Logs is called Logging.

Each Log has a Log Level, which refers to how detailed the generated message is.
Logging Levels refer to the type of severity written in the Log File.

Log Levels in UiPath

Log LevelLoggedExample / CommentLog FileOutput PanelOrchestrator Log page
VerboseActivitiesTrace {"message":{"DisplayName":"Message box","State":"Executing","Activity":"UiPath.Dialog.Activities.MessageBox","Arguments":{"Caption":"","Text":"String in message BOX"}...
Trace {"message":{"DisplayName":"Message box","State":"Closed","Activity":"UiPath.Dialog.Activities.MessageBox","Arguments":{"Caption":"","Text":"String in message BOX","ChosenButton":"Ok"}
VerboseArguments (properties)"Arguments":{"Caption":"","Text":"String in message BOX","ChosenButton":"Ok"}YesNoYes
TraceActivitiesTrace {"message":{"DisplayName":"Main","State":"Executing","Activity":"System.Activities.DynamicActivity"}
Trace {"message":{"DisplayName":"Main","State":"Executing","Activity":"System.Activities.Statements.Flowchart"}
TraceWriteLineTrace {"message":"write","level":"Trace","logType":"User","timeStamp":"","fingerprint":"","windowsIdentity":"","machineName":"","processName":"New Process","processVersion":"","jobId":"","robotName":"","machineId":,"organizationUnitId":}YesYesYes
InformationLog MessageInfo {"message":"message from activity"
Note: Except messages logged with Trace level set in activity.
WarningWarningsWarn {"message":"Warning from log message activity"YesYesYes
WarningErrorsError {"message":"Error from log message activity"YesYesYes
WarningCriticalCritical ErrorsYesYesYes
ErrorErrorsError {"message":"Error from log message activity"YesYesYes
Critical ErrorsYesYesYes
Critical ErrorsYesYesYes

Logging Levels in UiPath

Logging LevelDefault LogsUser-Defined Logs
CriticalAll messages logged with Critical level or higher.All messages logged with Critical level or higher.
ErrorAll messages logged with Error level or higher.All messages logged with Error level or higher.
WarningAll messages logged with Warning or higher.All messages logged with Warning or higher.
InformationAll messages logged with Information or higher.All messages logged with Information or higher.
TraceAll messages logged with Trace level or higher.All messages logged with Trace level or higher.
VerboseAll messages logged with Trace level and Workflow Tracking logs.All messages logged with Trace level.

The Verbose level logs a message for both the activity start and end, plus the values of the variables and arguments that are used.

By default, the Verbose level includes:

  • Execution Started log entry - generated every time a process is started.
  • Execution Ended log entry - generated every time a process is finalized.
  • Transaction Started log entry - generated every time a transaction item is obtained by the Robot from Orchestrator.
  • Transaction Ended log entry - generated every time the Robot sets the transaction status to either Success or Failed.
  • Activity Information log entry - generated every time an activity is started, faulted or finished inside a process.



The priority order of the log types is: Verbose < Trace < Information < Warning < Error < Critical < Off.

About PII Information in Logs

Information, Warning, Error, and Critical

The values of input/output arguments are not tracked when Information, Warning, Error, and Critical log levels are used. This means no PII information is sent in the Orchestrator logs unless explicitly added from Studio.

Trace and Verbose

Trace and Verbose log levels track and write the values of input/output arguments in Orchestrator logs. If those values include PII information, they are added to the Orchestrator logs.

Using excludeLoggedData to Hide Sensitive Information

The excludedLoggedData variable allows you to add keywords to prevent variable and argument values from being logged at the Verbose level.

That can also be achieved by selecting the Private checkbox of any activity. Read more about the protection of sensitive information here.

"excludedLoggedData": [

Log Types

There are several possible occurrences of log messages, depending on the event that is logged, as follows:


Generated by default when the execution of a process starts and ends, when a system error occurs and the execution stops, or when the logging settings are configured to log the execution of every activity.



These logs have the Default value in the logType field.

The events logged by this category are:

  • Execution Start is generated every time a process is started. This is logged starting with the Information logging level.
  • Execution End is generated every time a process is finalized. This is logged starting with the Information logging level.
  • Transaction Start is generated every time a transaction within a process is started. This is logged starting with the Information logging level.
  • Transaction End is generated every time a transaction within a process is finalized. This is logged starting with the Information logging level.
  • Error Log is generated every time the execution encounters an error and stops. This is logged starting with the Error logging level.
  • Debugging Log is generated if the Robot Logging Setting is set to Verbose and contains activity names, types, variable values, arguments, etc. This is logged starting with the Trace logging level.


Generated according to the process designed by the user in Studio, when using the Log Message activity or the Write Line activity.



These logs have the User value in the logType field.

Log Fields

There are multiple types of log fields that can be found throughout the above log message types. These can be classified as follows:

Default fields

  • Message - The log message.
  • Level - Defines the log severity.
  • Timestamp - The exact date and time the action was performed.
  • FileName - The name of the `.xaml` file being executed.
  • jobId - The key of the job running the process.
  • processName - The name of the process that triggered the logging.
  • processVersion - The version number of the process.
  • windowsIdentity - The name of the user that performed the action that was logged.
  • robotName - The name of the Robot (as defined in Orchestrator).



The processName and processVersion fields do not appear in logs if the process is run locally, without being connected to Orchestrator.

Type-specific fields

These logs are present depending on the log type.

Execution End

  • totalExecutionTimeInSeconds
  • totalExecutionTime

Transaction Start

  • queueName
  • transactionID
  • transactionState

Transaction End

  • queueName
  • transactionID
  • transactionState
  • transactionStatus
  • transactionExecutionTime
  • processingExceptionType
  • processingExceptionReason
  • queueItemReviewStatus
  • queueItemPriority

Debugging Log

activityInfo, which is a JSON message with the following fields:

  • DisplayName
  • State (Faulted, Closed, Executing)
  • Activity
  • Arguments



Only totalExecutionTimeInSeconds, totalExecutionTime and queueName are always present in the log messages. Variables and Arguments usually have sub-fields.

User-defined fields

These fields are defined in Studio by using the Add Log Fields activity and appear in all subsequent logs after the activity is generated, unless they are removed by the Remove Log Fields activity.



When defining Custom Log Fields make sure to also check the naming against the Default Log Fields to avoid conflicting information in the Log Files over the same Log Fields or corrupt log files. Having the same naming convention for both Custom and Default Log Fields can also impact the Process you are running.

Updated about a year ago

See Also

Robot Logs

Logging and Log Levels

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