
UiPath Insights

The UiPath Insights Guide

Additional Configurations

Updating Insights v2019.10.3/v2019.10.4

For users that have installed Insights v2019.10.3 or v2019.10.5, follow the instructions below to incorporate the fixes and enhancements of Insights v2019.10.4 Insights v2019.10.5and in your installation.



Do not run the provided script when any schema altering build is in progress.

Business ROI Dashboard Fix

To correct the displayed valued for the Money Saved and Days to Goal widgets, login to the Insights Portal as an administrator and for each tenant:

  1. Open the Business ROI dashboard from the OOTB dashboards folder.
  2. Click the Edit button for the Money Saved widget. The widget editor is displayed.
  3. Click the Edit button for the Value property. The formula editor is displayed.
  4. Replace the existing formula with the following:
sum([ProcessId],((( all([@Process Baselines.Manual Time(mins)]) *dupcount([ProcessId]) -([Total RuntimeInSeconds]/60)  )) /60) * all([@Process Baselines.Hourly Cost]))



All fields in this formula are from the Jobs table.
If the fields are greyed out and not highlighted, delete the entire field including the [ ], and replace with the appropriate field from the data browser tab.

  1. Click OK to save your changes.
  2. Repeat steps 4-5 for the Days to Goal formula.
  3. Repeat this process for the Goal for Year 2020 and Money Saved per Process widgets.
  4. Reshare the dashboard with all users.
  5. Republish the dashboard.

Timezone Fix

To correct an existing issue where the wrong timezone would be displayed in Insights:

  1. Download the Insights_19.10.5_hotfix.ziparchive from the UiPath Insights-Customer GitHub repository.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive to a local directory on your Insights machine.
  3. Open a Powershell window with administrative rights.
  4. Run Insights_19.10.5_hotfix.ps1.
  5. When prompted, enter your Orchestrator Host admin user and password.

Robot Logs Ingestion

To include robot logs stored in the Orchestrator SQL database as part of the historical data ingested by Insights:

  1. If you have not already done so, download the archive from the UiPath Insights-Customer GitHub repository and extract the contents to a local directory on your Insights machine.
  2. Copy the UiPath.InsightsAdminTool.exe file to the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools directory.
  3. For each Insights enabled tenant, perform the Tenant Setup again.

Updated Dashboards

To benefit from improvements to the out-of-the-box dashboards provided with Insights:

  1. If you have not already done so, download the archive from the UiPath Insights-Customer GitHub repository and extract the contents to a local directory on your Insights machine.
  2. Copy all .dash files in the archive to the C:\Program Files\Sisense\OotbFiles directory of your Insights server.
  3. For each Insights enabled tenant, perform the Tenant Setup again:
    a. When prompted Delete existing cube? (y/n), enter n.
    b. When prompted Do you want to overwrite? (y/n) for each existing dashboard, select y.

Updating Credentials

If you need to change and/or update your credentials, the procedure below details the steps that must be performed on your Orchestrator and Insights machines.

Orchestrator Database Credentials

On Your Orchestrator Machine:

  1. Open the web.config file.
  2. In the connectionStrings section, modify the connectionString parameter of the key name="Default" as follows:
    a. For SQL Authentication: connectionString="Data Source={YOUR_ORCH_DB_HOST};Initial Catalog={YOUR_ORCH_DB_NAME};User ID={YOUR_ORCH_DB_SQL_USER};Password={YOUR_ORCH_DB_SQL_PASSWORD}" />
    b. For Windows Authentication: connectionString="Data Source={YOUR_ORCH_DB_HOST};Initial Catalog={YOUR_ORCH_DB_DATABASE_NAME};Integrated Security=true" />

Example for SQL Authentication:

<add name="Default" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathOrchestrator;User ID=docs-uipath;Password=SecretP@ssword" />

Example for Windows Authentication:

<add name="Default" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathOrchestrator;Integrated Security=true" />

On Your Insights Machine:

  1. Open an elevated command prompt and navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools\ directory. For example, cd C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools\.
  2. Run the UiPath.InsightsAdminTool.exe utility with the necessary command parameters:
updateDBIndicates a update of the database configuration.
-uThe username of the Orchestrator Host tenant administrator. This is admin by default.
-pThe password for the Orchestrator Host tenant admin user.
-cThe targeted database. The available options are:
-sThe server for the targeted database.
-nThe database name.
-aThe authentication type for the database. The available options are:
0 / false - SQL authentication is used.
1 / true - Windows authentication is used.
-rThe username for the targeted database.
Only required for SQL Authentication.
-wThe password of your database user.
Only required for SQL Authentication.

Example for SQL Authentication:

.\UiPath.InsightsAdminTool.exe updateDB -u admin -p Orch_Host_Password -c Default -s -n UiPathOrchestrator -r docs-uipath -w my_SQL_Password

Example for Windows Authentication:

.\UiPath.InsightsAdminTool.exe updateDB -u admin -p Orch_Host_Password -c Default -s -n UiPathOrchestrator -a true

Insights Database Credentials

On Your Orchestrator Machine:

  1. Open the web.config file.
  2. In the connectionStrings section, modify the connectionString parameter of the key name="Insights" as follows:
    a. For SQL Authentication: connectionString="Data Source={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_HOST};Initial Catalog={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_NAME};User ID={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_SQL_USER};Password={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_SQL_PASSWORD}" />
    b. For Windows Authentication: connectionString="Data Source={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_HOST};Initial Catalog={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_NAME};Integrated Security=true" />

Example for SQL Authentication:

<add name="Insights" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathInsights;User ID=docs-uipath;Password=SecretP@ssword" />

Example for Windows Authentication:

<add name="Insights" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=UiPathInsights;Integrated Security=true" />

On Your Insights Machine:

  1. Open an elevated command prompt and navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools\ directory. For example, cd C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools\.
  2. Run the UiPath.InsightsAdminTool.exe utility with the necessary command parameters:
updateDBIndicates a update of the database configuration.
-uThe username of the Orchestrator Host tenant administrator. This is admin by default.
-pThe password for the Orchestrator Host tenant admin user.
-cThe targeted database. The available options are:
-sThe server for the targeted database.
-nThe database name.
-aThe authentication type for the database. The available options are:
0 / false - SQL authentication is used.
1 / true - Windows authentication is used.
-rThe username for the targeted database.
Only required for SQL Authentication.
-wThe password of your database user.
Only required for SQL Authentication.

Example for SQL Authentication:

.\UiPath.InsightsAdminTool.exe updateDB -u admin -p SecretP@ssword -c Insights -s -n UiPathInsights -r docs-uipath -w myPassword

Example for Windows Authentication:

.\UiPath.InsightsAdminTool.exe updateDB -u admin -p SecretP@ssword -c Insights -s -n UiPathInsights -a true
  1. From the \Program Files\Sisense\DataConnectors\JVMContainer\Connectors\UiFrost directory, update as follows: insights.db.conn=jdbc:sqlserver://{YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_SQL_HOST};Database={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_DATABASE_NAME};user={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_SQL_USERNAME};​insights.db.password={YOUR_INSIGHTS_DB_SQL_PASSWORD}

For example:


Updating the Insights Certificate



Before updating the Insights certificate, ensure that this new certificate is trusted inline with relevant policies for your company.

From the Insights host:

  1. Open a supported web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3030.
  2. In the Web Server section, use the Upload Certificate radio buttons to select your desired method. The available options are:
    • .pfx - if selected, you must provide the certificate password.
    • .cert/.key
  3. Drag and drop the corresponding certificate file(s) and click Upload.
  4. Click Restart Services. The new certificate is now used by Insights.
    Note: If the new certificate does not have the same subject as the original or is not present under a wildcard in your trust store, you must also add it to both the Insights and Orchestrator trust stores.

Chrome 80+ Update

Beginning with Chrome 80, there is a change in the default cross-domain (SameSite) behavior of cookies. This change impacts functionality of Insights and must be addressed as follows:

  1. Download the UiPath provided script here.
  2. Unzip the script package.
  3. Open an elevated command prompt and navigate to the directory where you saved the script. For example cd C:\Chrome80Fix.
  4. Run run_patch.cmd.
  5. Insights is configured to use SameSite value none and should function as intended.

Using Firefox

It is not initially possible to access Insights via your Firefox browser when using a self-signed certificate. This is a known issue due to Firefox blocking HTTPS sites from using self-signed certificates unless explicitly allowed by the user.

To avoid this issue, prior to accessing Insights for the first time and without being logged into your Orchestrator account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate your browser directly to the Insights Portal using the format https://<Your_Insights_Host>/app/account. For example, https://insights-test:8081/app/account.
  2. When prompted by Firefox, explicitly select to continue on to the site.
  3. You are then redirected to the Orchestrator login page. Login using your Orchestrator credentials and you can now access the Insights page and Portal.

Using Edge and Internet Explorer with Self-signed Certificates

If you are planning on using the Edge or IE browsers to access Insights, you must first:

  1. Export a copy of your self-signed certificate from your Insights server.
  2. Copy the certificate to the machine(s) where you are using Edge or IE.
  3. Install the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Updated about a year ago

Additional Configurations

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