
UiPath Robot

The UiPath Robot Guide

About the Robot JavaScript SDK

The Robot JavaScript SDK provides you the tools needed to customize your automation experience by controlling the Robot's actions directly from your application or web page. Click here to see how a simple integration works.

Attended automation today requires you to be alongside the Robot and know which process to start. Moreover, you can't pass input arguments or automatically make use of the output directly. By using the Robot JavaScript SDK, you can include the Robot in your custom application, or web page to handle various tasks, such as managing processes, passing arguments and start processes based on output.

To use the JavaScript SDK, the JS Add-In for Robot needs to be installed on the end-user's machine on which the Process needs to be executed. The Robot Add-In exposes a secure communication layer between your application or web page and the UiPath Robot on the target machine so that commands can be received and executed.

A few things need to be considered first, such as having Studio and Robot v2019.10 or greater, connecting the Robot to Orchestrator, and installing the Robot JavaScript add-on. With the add-on installed, all that's left is to download the JavaScript SDK and use these SDK specifications in your custom application or web page. Please note that the add-on is provided out-of-the box for Studio Community Edition v2020.2 and Enterprise v2020.4 and greater.

Feel free to also browse through our project samples.



The Robot JavaScript SDK uses promises on all exposed functions. As such, on Internet Explorer 11, third-party promise libraries such as Babel or Bluebird should be added explicitly.

Updated 2 years ago

About the Robot JavaScript SDK

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