
UiPath Robot

The UiPath Robot Guide

Picture-In-Picture (Experimental)



Picture-in-Picture is an Experimental feature currently under development and subject to change. Beta features are not supported and we do not recommend using them in Production environments.

This feature enables you to run attended processes in collaboration with the Robot. A process started in the Picture-in-Picture mode runs in an isolated Windows session, allowing you to use the machine while the process is running.

You can start a process in Picture-in-Picture mode either from the Debug tab in Studio, StudioX, or directly from the Assistant.

The process is executed in an isolated session, allowing you to use the machine while the Robot performs its task. Pressing the End the Picture in Picture session after the process ends button logs off the Robot from the corresponding session, otherwise, the Robot simply disconnects after execution.

Once a process is started in Picture-in-Picture mode, a preview window shows up on your desktop, providing real-time feedback from the process execution. The display window can be resized, moved around, put in full screen, or put on top of other windows. You can exit the Picture-in-Picture mode at any moment, without interrupting the process execution by right-clicking the Picture-in-Picture Windows Taskbar entry, and selecting Close Window. A confirmation dialog appears.

It is also possible to take manual control of the Picture-in-Picture session by clicking the Take control in Full Screen button from the Picture-in-Picture sidebar. This expands a desktop remote session of the isolated session in which the process is running. You can exit the session by pressing the X button on the top-right of the window, or simply wait for the execution to finish.

Note that only one Picture-in-Picture session can be started at a time.


When you first start a Picture-in-Picture session, a prompt asks for the Windows credentials. Please note that if you restart the machine you are asked to provide the credentials again.

Known Issues and Limitations

There are a few things to consider when using the Picture-in-Picture feature:

  • If you are using a PIN to log into the main Windows session, you are asked for your credentials every time you start a Picture-in-Picture session.
  • If there is an open Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge instance on the main session, it does not open in the isolated session (where the process is executed). Consider closing all Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge instances in the main session before executing a process in Picture-in-Picture which involves automations with the aforementioned web browsers.
  • When the Picture-in-Picture session is closed, it is possible that some settings for peripheral devices to be reset to their default values (such as lighting settings for keyboard and mouse).
  • Due to Operating System limitations for running Picture-in-Picture, Home Editions of Windows 7, 8 and 10 are not supported.

Updated 2 years ago

Picture-In-Picture (Experimental)

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