
UiPath Studio

The UiPath Studio Guide

About the SetupExtensions Tool

The SetupExtensions tool is a command line utility which is used to install, remove, or repair the UiPath extensions.

The Command Prompt is best used to install extensions in large-scale deployments of Robots. Doing so from Studio only installs them locally.



Administrator rights are required to install extensions from the Command Prompt.

You can find the SetupExtensions tool in the C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\UiPath folder for Enterprise, or the cd %LocalAppData%\UiPath\app-19.x.x\UiPath folder for Preview. Below is the list of supported commands.

The Extension for Chrome

SetupExtensions /ChromeInstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome on the current user if it's not already installed per system
SetupExtensions /ChromeGlobalInstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome per system
SetupExtensions /Chrome /UninstallUninstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome from the current user which was installed by the /Chrome parameter
SetupExtensions /ChromeGlobal /UninstallUninstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome from the system which was installed by the /ChromeGlobal parameter
SetupExtensions /ChromePolicyInstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome on the current user via policy if it’s not already installed per system via policy
SetupExtensions /ChromePolicyGlobalInstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome per system via policy
SetupExtensions /ChromePolicy /UninstallUninstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome from the current user which was installed by the /ChromePolicy parameter
SetupExtensions /ChromePolicyGlobal /UninstallUninstalls the UiPath Extension for Chrome from the system which was installed by the /ChromePolicyGlobal parameter
SetupExtensions /url=<url>Optional. Specifies a custom update URL for /ChromePolicy and /ChromePolicyGlobal
SetupExtensions /ChromeNativeHostInstalls only the Native Messaging Host component for the UiPath Extension for Chrome on the current user
SetupExtensions /ChromeNativeHost /UninstallUninstalls the Native Messaging Host component for the UiPath Extension for Chrome on the current user which was installed by the /ChromeNativeHost parameter
SetupExtensions /ChromeNativeHostGlobalInstalls only the Native Messaging Host component for the UiPath Extension for Chrome per system
SetupExtensions /ChromeNativeHostGlobal /UninstallUninstalls the Native Messaging Host component for the UiPath Extension for Chrome per system which was installed by the /ChromeNativeHostGlobal parameter
SetupExtensions /ChromeCleanupRemoves all the UiPath Extension for Chrome installations from all users and from the system.

Installation Messages

Successfully installed (for current user)UiPath Extension for Chrome was installed for current user. Make sure you enable it in Chrome (check chrome://extensions) and then restart the browser.
Successfully installed (via group policy for current user)UiPath Extension for Chrome was installed via policy for current user. Restart the browser.
Successfully installed (native messaging host for current user)UiPath Extension for Chrome native messaging host was installed for current user.
Successfully installed (per system)UiPath Extension for Chrome was installed per system. Make sure you enable it in Chrome (check chrome://extensions) and then restart the browser.
Successfully installed (via group policy per system)UiPath Extension for Chrome was installed via policy per system. Restart the browser.
Successfully installed (native messaging host per system)UiPath Extension for Chrome native messaging host was installed per system.
Chrome is not installedCannot install UiPath Extension for Chrome because Chrome browser is not installed.
Chrome is running during the extension installationIf you want to continue installing UiPath Extension for Chrome please turn off all your Chrome processes then click OK.
Native messaging host is not installed for the current userThe native messaging host for UiPath Extension for Chrome is missing per user. Please install it or reinstall the extension.
Native messaging host is not installed per systemThe native messaging host for UiPath Extension for Chrome is missing per system. Please install it or reinstall the extension.
Extension is blocked by policyUiPath Extension for Chrome setup completed successfully, but it's blocked by policy. Chrome will not activate it until the block is removed or until the extension was whitelisted.
Successfully uninstalled (for current user)UiPath Extension for Chrome was uninstalled for current user.
Successfully uninstalled (via group policy for current user)UiPath Extension for Chrome was uninstalled via policy for current user. Restart the browser.
Successfully uninstalled (native messaging host for current user)UiPath Extension for Chrome native messaging host was uninstalled for current user.
Successfully uninstalled (per system)UiPath Extension for Chrome was uninstalled per system.
Successfully uninstalled (via group policy per system)UiPath Extension for Chrome was uninstalled via policy per system. Restart the browser.
Successfully uninstalled (native messaging host per system)UiPath Extension for Chrome native messaging host was uninstalled per system.

The Extension for Firefox

SetupExtensions /FirefoxInstalls the UiPath Extension for Firefox

Installation Messages

Successfully installedUiPath Extension for Firefox was installed successfully.
Firefox is not installedCannot install the UiPath Extension for Firefox because the Firefox browser is not installed.

The Extension for Edge

This command automatically detects the Edge browser type (Legacy or Chromium) on your machine and installs the corresponding extension.

SetupExtensions /EdgeInstalls the extension for Edge Legacy or Chromium
SetupExtensions /Edge /UninstallUninstalls the extension for Edge Legacy or Chromium

Installation Messages

Successfully installedRestart Edge to complete installation.
Requirements not metCurrent Windows version is not supported. Minimum version is Windows 10 versions 1803 and above
Edge not detected on machineMicrosoft Edge browser not detected
Installation failed (timeout)Extension for Edge installer timed out

The Extension for Java

SetupExtensions /JavaInstalls the UiPath Extension for Java. You can also use the ScreenScrapeJavaSupport tool to inspect and manage Java installations.

The Extension for Silverlight

SetupExtensions /SilverlightInstalls the UiPath Extension for Silverlight

Installation Messages

Successfully installedThe installation was successful! You can now automate Silverlight applications.
Requirement verificationPrerequisite:
1) Close all Silverlight applications.
2) Uninstall Silverlight runtime.
3) Install Silverlight Developer
Continue? (if prerequisites are met) or Cancel (and go to Silverlight Developer download page)
Installation failed (Silverlight application is running during extension installation)Silverlight setup failed with code {0}. Make sure no Silverlight application is running and you have administrator privileges.
Installation failed (Silverlight Developer is not installed)Silverlight setup failed with code {0}. Make sure you have Silverlight Developer installed.

The Extension for Citrix

SetupExtensions /CitrixClientInstalls the UiPath Extension for Citrix on the client machine
SetupExtensions /CitrixClient /UninstallUninstalls the UiPath Extension for Citrix from the client machine

Installation Messages

Successfully installedThe UiPath Citrix plugin was successfully installed. Restart all your Citrix applications for the changes to take effect.
Successfully uninstalledThe UiPath Citrix plugin was successfully uninstalled.

The Extension for Windows Remote Desktop

SetupExtensions /RdpClientInstalls the UiPath Extension for Windows Remote Desktop for the current user.
SetupExtensions /RdpClient /UninstallUninstalls the UiPath Extension for Windows Remote Desktop for the current user.

Installation Messages

Successfully installedThe UiPath Remote Desktop plugin was successfully installed. Restart all your Remote Desktop connections for the changes to take effect.
Successfully uninstalledThe UiPath Remote Desktop plugin was successfully uninstalled. Restart all your Remote Desktop connections for the changes to take effect.

The Extension for VMware Horizon

SetupExtensions /VMwareClientInstalls the UiPath Extension for VMware Hroizon on the client machine
SetupExtensions /VMwareClient /uninstallUninstalls the UiPath Extension for VMware Horizon from the client machine

Installation Messages

Successfully installedThe UiPath plugin for VMware Horizon was successfully installed. Restart all your VMware Horizon connections for the changes to take effect.
Successfully uninstalledThe UiPath plugin for VMware Horizon was successfully unnstalled. Restart all your VMware Horizon connections for the changes to take effect.

The UiPath Remote Runtime Component

SetupExtensions /CitrixServerConfigures the UiPath Remote Runtime component on the Citrix Application server. Please note that the UiPath Remote Runtime component needs to be installed on all your Citrix Application servers.
SetupExtensions /CitrixServer /UninstallRemoves the UiPath Remote Runtime component configuration from your Citrix Application server.

Installation Messages

Successfully installedThe UiPath Citrix Remote Runtime was successfully installed. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Successfully uninstalledThe UiPath Citrix Remote Runtime was successfully uninstalled.

Updated about a year ago

About the SetupExtensions Tool

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