
UiPath Studio

The UiPath Studio Guide

JxBrowser Applications Troubleshooting

Selectors are natively generated for applications which rely on the JxBrowser, without having to install any extensions. Bear in mind that JxBrowser is not a stand-alone application, but a library which integrates Chromium in Java applications. Therefore, unpredictable issues can be encountered, depending on how this library is integrated in its host application. Currently, there are some automation limitations, as follows:

The Recording Wizard is Not Supported

We highly recommend to avoid using the Recording wizard when building your automation projects, as it is not currently supported.

The Select Item and Select Multiple Items Activities are Not Supported

When building your automation projects, it is recommended to avoid using the Select Item and Select Multiple Items activities.

Using Keyboard Activities

Mouse and keyboard activities can be used in your automation projects with JxBrowser applications. However, the Type Into activity needs to be with the ClickBeforeTyping property enabled.

Updated 2 years ago

JxBrowser Applications Troubleshooting

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