
UiPath Insights

The UiPath Insights Guide

About the Insights Portal

The Insights Portal is the home space for designing and editing your dashboards and their features. It has two available tabs: Analytics and Pulse.



The Insights Portal is only accessible to Designer users.

The Analytics Tab

The Analytics tab is the default page of the Insights Portal. It provides a global view of all the available dashboards and their details. From here you can create, edit, and delete dashboards. Opening a dashboard from the Analytics tab enables you to edit it fully by adding or removing widgets and filters and arranging how they are displayed.


See here for details.

The Pulse Tab

The Pulse tab is the centralized location where you can view your configured alerts and track the most important metrics from across all of your dashboards. You can select the widgets and datapoints you want to closely track from any of your dashboards and they are added to this tab for quick reference. Additionally, you can build customized alerts to receive notifications about any errors, anomalies, or thresholds passed.

See Managing Alerts for more details.

Updated 2 years ago

About the Insights Portal

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