
UiPath Insights

The UiPath Insights Guide

Default Dashboards



Only the Insights Admin user can remove these out-of-the-box dashboards from any user's default OOTB folder. Individual users may not delete dashboards shared with them.

Processes Dashboard


By default, the Processes dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can be edited:

Widget NameWidget TypeDescription
# Processes RanInputCumulative total of all processes executed.
Run timeInputDisplays the average job duration and the single longest job duration in seconds to minutes.
Success RateInputDisplays the percentage of jobs with state successful and the total number of completed jobs.
Top 10 Processes by # Run and StatusTree MapDisplays each process by name, split by the number and status of all jobs for that process.
Top 10 Processes with Faulted JobsScatter ChartDisplays the top 10 processes with the most faulted jobs.
Weekly RunsColumn ChartThe number of execution per week for each robot.
Error DetailsPivotDisplays the Process Name, Robot Name, Date, Reason, and # Errors for analysis.

Robots Dashboard


By default, the Robots dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can be edited:

Widget NameWidget TypeDescription
Total UtilizationInputThe total utilization, in hours, for both attended and unattended robots.
Robot Utilization(attended)InputAverage utilization in hours per day for attended robots.
Robot Utilization(unattended)InputAverage utilization in hours per day for unattended robots.
Robot TypesPie ChartThe types of robots from which data was received in Insights.
Avg Utilization/Day per Robot(unattended)Column ChartAverage hours worked per day, for each unattended robot.
Avg Utilization/Day per Robot(attended)Column ChartAverage hours worked per day, for each attended robot.
Top 10 Robots with ErrorsPie ChartThe ten robots with the most errors.
Top 10 Busiest Robots by Process NameTree MapThe robots that spent the most time executing each process.
Today's Utilization BreakdownGantt ChartDisplays the time each robot worked over the previous 24 hours.

Business ROI Dashboard


By default, the Business ROI dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can be edited:

Widget NameWidget TypeDescription
Money SavedInputDisplays the current total of money saved based upon the valued entered in the Process Baselines widget, as well as the days until your defined goal is reached at the current rate.
Time SavedInputDisplays the current total time saved based upon the Manual Time value entered in the Process Baselines widget.
Goal for Year 2020InputStatic display of your defined goal value.
This widget must be manually defined.
ProductivityInputThe total hours worked by all robots to date.
Hours Saved per ProcessTree MapBreakdown of the time saved per process to date, based upon the Manual Time value entered in the Process Baselines widget.
Displays the Top 10 according to this calculation.
Money Saved per ProcessPie ChartBreakdown of the money saved per process to date, based upon the values entered in the Process Baselines widget.
Cumulative Time SavedColumn ChartTotal time saved for each week, with a breakdown per process.
Process BaselinesInputUsed to manually input:
The manual time for a human to complete one iteration of a process.
The hourly cost for human completion of a process.

These values are used to compute the time and money savings throughout the dashboard.

Queues Dashboard


By default, the Queues dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can be edited:

Widget NameWidget TypeDescription
Completed ItemsInputDisplays a cumulative total of all transactions processed to date.
QueuesInputThe total number of queues.
Transactions by StatusPie ChartThe total number of transactions, including retried transactions, for each state:
Transactions by DateColumn ChartThe total number of transactions per day, with a breakdown by Successful and Failed status.
Weekly Exception BreakdownColumn ChartTotal number of exceptions for each week, with a breakdown by exception type: ApplicationException or BusinessException.
Avg Transaction Duration Per QueueBar ChartDisplays the average handling time, in seconds, for each item per queue.
ExceptionsPivotPivot table displaying the Queue Name, Robot Name, Exception Type, Reason, and # Errors for analysis.

Licensing Dashboard



Dashboard temporarily unavailable.


By default, the Licensing dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can be edited:

Widget NameWidget TypeDescription
Daily License % UtilizationColumn ChartThe maximum daily license utilization, in percent, for all runtime types.
Daily License Utilization(max value)Line ChartDaily maximum number of licenses utilized per runtime type.
Daily Concurrent Active Users PivotDaily maximum number of concurrent active users compared to available concurrent licenses per runtime type.
Last 7 Days Runtime Consumption PivotThe maximum number of daily runtimes consumed compared to available per machine for the last 7 days.

Updated about a year ago

Default Dashboards

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