
UiPath Insights

The UiPath Insights Guide

Insights Data Model

This page details the Jobs, Queue Item, Robot Logs , Long-running Workflows, and License data that is ingested into Insights to create its data cube.

IdThe row ID of the job event in the Orchestrator database.
Note: Only jobs that have reached a final status are imported.
TenantIdThe ID of the Orchestrator tenant.
ProcessVersionThe version number of the process the job belongs to.
RobotNameThe name of the Robot that executed the job.
RobotTypeThe type of robot that executed the job. The available options are:
Studio / StudioX / StudioPro
HostMachineNameThe name of the machine where the robot executed the job.
JobIdThe row ID of the job event in the Orchestrator database.
TimeStampThe time when the final job event was logged.
JobActionThe type of job event. For Insights purposes, this value is always Status.
JobStateThe status of the job. See Job States for all available states and their descriptions.
JobStateValThe numerical representation of the JobState.
UserNameThe name of the user that created the job.
CreationTimeThe time when the job was created.
StartTimeThe time when execution of the job began.
EndTimeThe time when execution of the job finished.
JobKeyThe key of the job (GUID).
JobSourceThe triggering event for job execution. The available options are:
EnvNameThe Environments where the job was executed.
OrgUnitCodeThe numerical identifier of the Folder where the environment is located.
OrgUnitNameThe name of the Folder where the environment is located.
ProcessNameThe name of the process.
ProcessIdThe numerical identifier of the job process, comprised of ProcessName, OrganizationUnitId.
RuntimeInSecondsThe duration, in seconds, of the job execution. Computed as the difference between StartTime and EndTime.
FolderFolder where the job is defined.

AnalyticsIdThe auto-incremented row ID of the queue item.
IdThe auto-incremented row ID of the queue item in the Orchestrator database.
TenantIdThe ID of the Orchestrator tenant.
LastQueueItemEventIdThe Id of the queue item event showing the final status (e.g. Successful, Failed, or Abandoned).
PriorityThe priority of the queue item defined when setting its properties from Studio.
QueueNameThe name of the queue.
ProcessingStatusThe status of the queue item. The available options are:
ReviewStatusThe review status of the queue item.
RobotNameThe name of the robot that processed the queue item.
RobotTypeThe type of robot that processed the queue item. The available options are:
Studio / StudioX / StudioPro
SnapshotTimeThe time the data was moved from Orchestrator to Insights.
CreationTimeThe time the queue item was created.
StartProcessingThe time the robot began processing the queue item.
EndProcessingThe time the robot finished processing the queue item.
TransactionDurationInSecondsThe processing time, in seconds, of the queue item. Computed as the difference between StartProcessing and EndProcessing.
CreatorJobIdThe Id of the job that created the transaction.
ExecutorJobIdThe Id of the job that executed the transaction.
SecondsInPreviousAttemptsThe time, in seconds, of all attempts to process the transaction.
AncestorIdThe Id of the previous attempt to process the transaction. Only applicable to Retry transactions.
RetryNumberThe number of times the processing of the transaction has been attempted. For the first attempt, 0 is displayed.
DeferDateThe earliest date and time the queue item is available for processing. If empty, it can be processed immediately.
DueDateThe latest date and time which the queue item must be processed by. If empty, it can be processed at any time.
ProgressCustom progress information for queue items with status InProgress.
SpecificDataA collection of key value pairs containing custom data associated with the transaction. See here for details.
AnalyticsDataA collection of key value pairs containing custom data for analytics purposes associated with the transaction. See here for details.
OutputA collection of key value pairs containing custom data upon successful processing associated with the transaction. See here for details.
ProcessingExceptionTypeThe type of the exception thrown when processing fails. The available exception types are:
ProcessingExeptionReasonThe details of the exception thrown when processing fails.
ReferenceThe user-specified value for identification purposes provided when adding the queue item in Studio.
ReviewerUserNameThe user name of the assigned reviewer, if any.
OrgUnitCodeThe numerical identifier of the Folder where the environment is located.
OrgUnitNameThe name of the Folder where the environment is located.
QueueIdThe numerical identifier of the queue, comprised of QueueName, OrganizationUnitId.
FolderFolder where the queue is defined.

IdThe auto-incremented row ID of the log in the Orchestrator database.
TenantIdThe ID of the Orchestrator tenant.
OrganizationUnitIdThe name of the Folder where the log was generated.
TimeStampThe time the logging was executed.
JobKeyThe key of the job that generated the log message.
MachineIdThe Id of the machine that generated the log message.
ProcessNameThe name of the process that generated the log message.
WindowsIdentityThe user under which the robot generating the log message was logged in.
RobotNameThe name of the robot that generated the log message.
RawMessageJSON output from the execution log.
TransactionIdThe key of the associated queue item.
MessageThe logged message.
LevelThe severity level at which the message was logged. See Logging Levels for details.

Long Running Workflows



Temporarily unavailable.

IdThe row ID of the job event in the Orchestrator database.
Note: Only jobs that have reached a final status are imported.
TenantIdThe ID of the Orchestrator tenant.
ProcessVersionThe version number of the process the job belongs to.
RobotNameThe name of the Robot that executed the job.
RobotTypeThe type of robot that executed the job. The available options are:
Studio / StudioX / StudioPro
HostMachineNameThe name of the machine where the robot executed the job.
JobIdThe ID of the parent job that this task was run under.
TaskStartTimeThe start time of this individual task.
TaskStartTimeLocalThe start time of this individual task in the timezone defined by the Orchestrator host admin or tenant.
JobActionThe type of job event. For Insights purposes, this value is always Status.
JobStateThe status of the job. See Job States for all available states and their descriptions.
JobStateValThe numerical representation of the JobState.
UserNameThe name of the user that created the job.
CreationTimeThe time when the job was created.
CreationTimeLocalThe time when the job was created in the timezone defined by the Orchestrator host admin or tenant.
StartTimeThe time when execution of the job began.
StartTimeLocalThe time when execution of the job began in the timezone defined by the Orchestrator host admin or tenant.
EndTimeThe time when execution of the job finished.
EndTimeLocalThe time when execution of the job finished in the timezone defined by the Orchestrator host admin or tenant.
JobKeyThe key of the job (GUID).
JobSourceThe triggering event for job execution. The available options are:
EnvNameThe Environments where the job was executed.
OrgUnitCodeThe numerical identifier of the Folder where the environment is located.
OrgUnitNameThe name of the Folder where the environment is located.
FolderThe fully qualified name of the Folder where the environment is located.
OrganizationUnitIdThe numeric representation of the folder.
ProcessNameThe name of the process.
ProcessIdThe numerical identifier of the job process, comprised of ProcessName, OrganizationUnitId.
RuntimeInSecondsThe duration, in seconds, of the job execution. Computed as the difference between StartTime and EndTime.
TaskEndTimeThe end time of this individual task.
TaskEndTimeLocalThe end time of this individual task in the timezone defined by the Orchestrator host admin or tenant.
ActiveRunTimeInSecondsThe amount of time in seconds that this individual task was in the 'Running' state. This is 0 if the task is not running.
FolderFolder where the long running workflow is defined.




Temporarily unavailable.

DayThe date at a day precision when licenses were utilized
RuntimeTypeType of a runtime (aka "license type") that was used
UsedNumber of used slots of the runtime
TotalTotal number of slots of the runtime available that day




Temporarily unavailable.

DayThe date at a day precision when licenses were utilized
MachineKeyMachineKey that identifies a robot, service or a user (depending on a RuntimeType) that used licenses
RuntimeTypeType of a runtime (aka "license type) that was used
UsedNumber of used slots of the runtime
TotalTotal number of slots of the runtime available that day

Updated about a year ago

Insights Data Model

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