
UiPath Insights

The UiPath Insights Guide

About Widgets

Widgets are how data is displayed on your dashboards. There are a variety of widget types available to suit the type of data being displayed and the manner in which you want to analyze it.

Widgets Types

PivotUseful to summarize and analyze large amounts of data (e.g. average revenues by region).
Gantt ChartUsed to visualize tasks and resources over time, where the Y-axis shows the set of resources and the X-axis the time scale.
Pie ChartRepresents proportional data and/or percentages.
Column ChartSimilar to a bar chart, useful for comparing multiple items and their values.
Bar ChartTypically used to represent multiple items, with descriptive data (e.g. age groups) along one axis and the corresponding values (e.g. income) on the other.
Line ChartUseful for visualizing value over time or multiple values over the same time period, with each value being one line in the chart.
Area ChartA line chart where the area(s) under the line(s) are filled-in, and where they can be displayed as stacked upon one another.
TableDisplays raw data in a table format with as many fields and metrics as needed.
TreemapMulti-dimensional display of hierarchical data in the form of nested rectangles. Useful for scenarios where there are too many categories and sub-categories to be displayed in a column chart.
InputUsed to enable manually entered values by users for the selected field.
IndicatorUsed to display up to two values (e.g. quantity and revenue) as a gauge or numeric ticker.
Scatter ChartDisplays the distribution of two variables on the axes and two additional data sets as colored dots across the plane, the size of the dot being representative of the value.
Calendar HeatmapUsed to visualize values over days in a calendar view.
Area MapUsed to visualize geographical data as data points on a map, different colors and sizes representing the data values.
SunburstA multi-dimensional pie chart, with each inner ring representing a breakdown of the slice in the outer ring.
Box & Whisker PlotUseful for displaying distribution and variability in data sets, it is divided into four quartiles representing the median value, 50% of the value, and the minimum and maximum values.
Polar ChartUsed to visualize and compare multiple categories via perspective in a radial chart.

The Input Widget

This widget type enables you to specify custom values, a table of which can then be used as formula parameters when creating your other dashboard visualizations. You can change the input values as needed and the corresponding dashboards are updated immediately, without having to wait until the next rebuild of the Insights data cube(s).



An example of this widget is available for use on the ROI dashboard provided out-of-the-box with Insights. You may customize or duplicate and edit that one as desired, or create a new Input widget to suit your needs.

When creating Input widgets you must keep some considerations in mind for selecting your data columns and specifying the data.

When selecting the columns you want to specify values for (e.g. Queues, Processes, etc.), be sure that:

  • they have both a numeric identifier (e.g. QueueId) and text identifier (e.g. QueueName).
  • both data columns are within the same data table.

After you have selected your desired columns, specify the corresponding data as follows:

  1. In the Items section of the widget, enter the numeric identifier of the desired column. The text identifier is automatically populated.
  2. From the Design Panel, add your desired column(s), entering a unique column name, and specify the default value for each.
  3. Click Apply to save the updated widget.



Values specified in the Input widget can be used in the formulas for your other widgets:

  1. Use the ALL function with the numeric identifier of the desired column in the Input widget, for example ALL([123]) for a queue with the Id 123.
  2. Right-click the column name and select Rename.
  3. Rename the column in the format @WidgetName.ColumnName, for example ALL([Queue Baselines.HourlyCost]).

Creating Widgets

From the Analytics tab, open the dashboard that you want to add a widget to, then:

  1. Click the + Widget button. The New Widget window appears.
    Note: Newly created dashboards are blank and open directly to the New Widget window.
  2. Click the + Select Data button. The Add a Field dialog appears.
  3. Select your desired data set.
    a. Optional. Select the fx button to create a custom formula using multiple data points and operators.
    b. Click OK.
  4. A preview of the data appears in the New Widget window with the recommended widget type selected by default. Select a different widget type if desired.
  5. Click Create to finish and apply the widget to the dashboard, or click Advanced Configuration to open the widget editor for more customization options.

Editing Widgets

Editing of widgets is done in the widget editor.

For an existing widget, click the Edit Widget button to open it in the editor. When creating a new widget, select Advanced Configuration to create the widget directly from the editor.

Deleting Widgets

To delete a widget, click the More Options button and select Delete.

Updated 2 years ago

About Widgets

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