
UiPath Robot

The UiPath Robot Guide

Updating the Robot



If the entire UiPath suite is installed on a single machine, and you want to update from v2018.2 or older versions to v2018.4, you are required to first do so on Orchestrator and then Studio and Robot. If you first update your Studio to v2018.4, your Orchestrator instance is removed. This is due to a change in the installers' Upgrade Code and is not necessary for updates from v2018.3.

Before you proceed with updating the Robot, we highly recommend checking out the compatibility matrix, as well as the Hardware and Software requirements.

Regardless of the version you want to update from, you need to take into consideration how the Robot was installed, as a Windows Service or in user mode.

As a general rule, we advise you to have the same Robot, Studio, and Orchestrator, so that you can take advantage of all the latest features. Studio and Robot must have the same version.

The installation artifacts are provided when you first purchase Robot or they can be provided by your customer success manager or our support team.



If both Studio and Robot are on the same machine, you have to upgrade them at the same time, regardless if the Robot was installed in user mode or as a Windows Service.

It is possible to update Robot either by using the UiPathPlatform.exe installer, or the UiPathStudio.msi, but please keep in mind that the .exe does not accept command line arguments. Additionally, UiPathPlatform.exe also enables you to update Orchestrator.

Regardless of how you choose to update the Robot, the connection to Orchestrator is kept intact, so you don’t have to provision or connect it again.

You can always check the Robot version from the Tray or in Orchestrator.



Remember to properly migrate your processes when updating the 2018.3 UiPath Platform. The dependencies and activities installation algorithm has improved, which can cause conflicts when executing processes with packages installed from local feeds. If you encounter any issues while updating, check out possible solutions on this page. Also, remember to check out how to Open Projects Created with Previous Versions.

Robot as a Windows Service

If your Robot was previously installed as a Windows Service and want to update it, run UiPathPlatform.exe or UiPathStudio.msi. Executing one of these installers automatically replaces all the old files without modifying any of your settings.

Please keep in mind that, upon upgrade, the activities packages are cumulated in the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\Packages folder. Find out more about managing dependencies.

To update the Robot as a Windows Service from the command line use the following command: UiPathStudio.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,RegisterService.

Robot in User Mode

Updating the Robot in User Mode is possible through the UiPathStudio.msi installer, its command line arguments, or by using the Community Edition installer (UiPathStudio.exe).

If your previous version of Robot is installed with the aforementioned Community installer, it is always up to date, on the chosen channel - Stable or Beta. More information on this installer is available here.

Please note that the Robot’s connection to Orchestrator is lost if it is installed with the Community edition installer (UiPathStudio.exe) and during the update process you close Studio. This issue does not reproduce on UiPathStudio.exe installations that are licensed.

To Update the Robot in user mode from the command line use the following command: UiPathStudio.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,RegisterUserModeService

Robot Deployment Conversion

When updating the Robot, you can also switch it from a Windows service to User Mode, or vice versa. This is only possible through the UiPathStudio.msi.

Updated 2 years ago

Updating the Robot

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