
UiPath StudioX

The UiPath StudioX Guide

About Automation Projects

An automation project is a sequence of activities that a Robot can execute to automate a series of tasks you perform on your computer. You create and view the automation project in the Designer tab of StudioX.

When you create a project in StudioX, the project files are saved in a folder with the project name to a location of your choice. By default, projects are saved in the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\UiPath directory.

The project folder includes:

  • a Main.xaml file that contains your main workflow.
  • a project.json file that contains information about your automation project.
  • an Excel file, by default Excel_Workspace.xlsx, if you did not configure your project to use a different Excel Workspace.
  • a .screenshots folder, with informative screenshots, if your project contains UI automation activities.
  • a GlobalHandlerX.xaml file that contains a workflow designed to determine the project’s behavior when an execution error is encountered.
  • a RuntimeExecutionError_Template.html file that contains a template for the error message to display when an execution error is encountered.

Setting the Project Version

Semantic Versioning

The semantic versioning scheme has the format Major.Minor.Patch[-Suffix], where:

  • Major is the major version.
  • Minor is the minor version.
  • Patch is the patch version.
  • -Suffix (optional) is a hyphen followed by a series of dot separated identifiers immediately following the patch version. This denotes a prerelease version.

Identifiers must comprise only of ASCII alphanumeric characters and hyphen, and they must not be empty. Numeric identifiers must not include leading zeroes. In addition, build metadata may be denoted by appending a plus sign and a series of dot separated identifiers immediately following the patch or pre-release version, for example 1.0.0-alpha+1.

When creating a new process or library, the default version scheme is semantic. It can be changed from the Publish window by simply adding an extra digit to the version number. The project’s semantic version can be modified from the project.json file too. The patch number 0 is automatically added to projects with version number major.minor.

Updated 3 years ago

About Automation Projects

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