
UiPath StudioX

The UiPath StudioX Guide

Get File Info


Retrieves the properties of a specified file and saves the information for later use in the project. When you then use the saved information in another activity, you select one of the file properties as input: Size (in bytes), Name (file name including extension), Full Path, Folder (full path to the folder containing the file), Last modified date, Last accessed date, Created date (dates including time), IsReadOnly (TRUE or FALSE), Size in KB.

In the Body of the Activity

  • File Path - Click browse files next to the field and then browse to and select the file for which to retrieve information. Alternatively, you can click plus button on the right side of the field and then, from the menu, choose one of the available options to indicate the path of the file:
    • If the activity is inside a For Each File in Folder activity, you can select Current File > Full Path to indicate the path of the file you are currently iterating through.
  • Data from an application added to a card or from the Excel Workspace. For example, select an Excel file, and then select a cell that contains a file path.
    • Use Saved Value - Select a value in the form of a file path that you previously saved for later use in the project.
    • Text - Enter a file path in the Text Builder. To add dynamic paths, you can combine text with Excel formulas selected using the plus button menu in the Text Builder. For example, for a file downloaded daily that includes the current date in the name, you can add the date to the file name using a formula in the default Excel Workspace.
    • Open in Advanced Editor - Enter a VB expression.
  • Output to - Click plus button on the right side of the field and then, from the menu, select Save for Later Use to use the output result later in your project as input for another activity. Alternatively, you can select Open in Advanced Editor and enter a VB expression.



  • Display Name - The name displayed for the activity in the Designer panel.



  • Private - If selected, the data used in the activity is not logged by StudioX.


Updated 2 years ago

Get File Info

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