Checks if the specified file path exists.
To learn how to use this activity, see Tutorial: Working with Files and Folders.
In the Body of the Activity
- File path - Click
next to the field and then browse to and select the file to check. Alternatively, you can click
on the right side of the field and then, from the menu, choose one of the available options to indicate the file path to check:
- If the activity is inside a For Each File in Folder activity, you can select Current File > Full Path to indicate the path of the file you are currently iterating through.
- Data from an application added to a card or from the Excel Workspace. For example, select an Excel file and then select a cell that contains a file path, or indicate a field from a selected email in Outlook that contains a file path.
- Use Saved Value - Select a value in the form of a file path that you previously saved for later use in the project.
- Text - Enter a file path in the Text Builder. You can combine text with a formula from an Excel file cell, for example to add a date to the file name using formulas in the Excel Workspace.
- Open in Advanced Editor - Enter a VB expression.
- Output result - Click
on the right side of the field and then, from the menu, choose one of the available options to indicate where to save the result (TRUE if the file exists or FALSE if the file does not exist):
- Select an Excel file or the Excel Workspace and then select a cell where to save the result.
- Save for Later Use - Use the output result later in your project as input for another activity.
- Open in Advanced Editor - Enter a VB expression.
- Display Name - The name displayed for the activity in the Designer panel.
- Path - See File path in the body of the activity.
- Private - If selected, the data used in the activity is not logged by StudioX.
- Exists - See Output result in the body of the activity.
Updated 2 years ago