
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

The Audit page displays the audit trail for actions performed by all entities in Orchestrator.

Filtering the Events in the Audit Page

The data in the Audit page can be filtered by several criteria, namely Component, User, Action, and Time:


The Component filter displays the logs based on the component that performed a given action in the system.

Expand to see the available Component filters
  • All
  • Actions
  • Action Catalogs
  • Assets
  • Buckets
  • Comments
  • Credential Stores
  • Directory Service
  • Environments
  • Execution Media
  • Folders
  • Jobs
  • Libraries
  • Licenses
  • Machines
  • Maintenance
  • Monitoring
  • Packages
  • Personal Workspaces
  • Processes
  • Queues
  • Robots
  • Roles
  • Settings
  • Triggers
  • Units
  • Users
  • Webhooks


The User filter enables viewing changes performed by a certain user.


The Action filter displays the logs based on the type of action that was executed.

Expand to see the available Action filters
  • All
  • Acknowledge
  • Activate
  • Assign
  • Associate
  • Bulk Upload
  • Changed Password
  • Change Status
  • Convert
  • Create
  • Create storage file shared access signature
  • Deactivate
  • Delete
  • Delete storage file
  • Download
  • End
  • Explore End
  • Explore Start
  • Import
  • Move
  • Password Reset Attempt
  • Reset Password
  • Skip
  • Start
  • Start delete
  • Start Job
  • Stop Job
  • Toggle
  • Unassign
  • Update
  • Upload


The Time filter makes it possible to view the events within a predefined period.

Expand to see the available Time filters
  • All
  • Last hour
  • Last day
  • Last week
  • Last 30 days

Exporting the Audit Page as a .CSV file

Audit logs of on-premises Orchestrator instances are retained until you perform a database maintenance or you manually delete them.
If you would like to store logs on your local device, you have the option to export them as a CSV file.

To download tenant-level audit logs:

  1. Select the desired tenant and navigate to the Tenant > Audit page.
  2. Apply filters to logs, if necessary.
  3. In the top right, click Export.
    A download begins for the file audit_logs.csv.



To ensure the best performance, the exported entries are in chronological order.

The Audit Data Window

Further information about an event can be displayed by clicking the View Details button from the right side of the Audit page.


Components to Actions Mapping

The table below maps each Component with its corresponding Actions, to facilitate filtering the audited events.

(previously Tasks)
- Create
- Update
- Save
- Forward
- Assign
- Unassign
Actions Catalogs
(previously Tasks Catalogs)
- Create
- Update
Assets- Create
- Update
- Delete
Buckets- Create
- Create storage file shared access signature
- Update
- Delete
- Delete storage file
Comments- Create
- Update
- Delete
Credential Stores- Create
- Update
- Delete
Directory Service- Create
- Update
- Associate
Environments- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Associate
Execution Media- Download
(previously Units)
- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Start Delete
- Move
- Associate
- Unassign
- Toggle
Jobs- Start Job
- Stop Job
- Resume Job
Libraries- Upload
- Delete
Licenses- Activate
- Deactivate
- Upload
- Update
- Toggle
- Delete
Machines- Create
- Update
- Delete
Maintenance- Download
- Start
- End
Monitoring- Acknowledge
Packages- Upload
- Delete
Personal Workspaces- Create
- Activate
- Deactivate
- Update
- Explore Start
- Explore End
- Convert
- Delete
Processes- Create
- Update
- Delete
Queues- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Bulk Upload
Robots- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Change Status
Roles- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Associate
- Toggle
Settings- Create
- Update
- Delete
Triggers- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Activate
- Deactivate
- Change Status
Users- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Import
- Associate
- Change Status
- Change Password
- Password Reset Attempt
- Reset Password
Webhooks- Create
- Update
- Delete

Test Automation Components to Actions Mapping

The following table maps Components to corresponding Actions, so you can filter by operations.

Test Sets- Create
- Update
- Delete
Test Set Schedules- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Enabled / Disabled
Test Set Executions- Trigger
- Cancel
Test Data Queues- Add / Bulk Add
- Delete / Delete All
- Consume / Unconsume
- Consume / Unconsume All

Updated 8 months ago


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