
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Managing Assets in Orchestrator

Creating Assets

  1. In the Assets page, click Add. The Add Asset window is displayed.
  2. In the Asset name field, enter a name for the asset.
  3. From the Type list, select the type of asset you want to create.
  4. Add a Description of the asset.
  5. From the Credential Store list, select where this asset is stored from any of your defined credential stores.
  6. Use the Global Value toggle to indicate whether this asset has a default value (used when no specific per-user/per-user-machine value exists).
    a. If enabled, in the Value field, type what the asset should contain. If the asset type is boolean, select True or False, and if it is a credential enter the Username and Password.
    b. If disabled, you must provide at least one user-specific asset value.
  7. Use the Add robot asset value button to create the per-user or per-user-machine asset values desired.
  8. Click Create. The asset is created and displayed on the Assets page.



Please note that once an asset is created, the asset type cannot be changed.

Asset nameA custom name for the asset to help you identify it easily.
Cannot exceed 256 characters.
TypeThe type of the asset. The following options are available:
Text - assets that can store string values. This is the default option.
Bool - assets that can store a true or false value. If you select this option, the Value field displays two radio buttons (True, False).
Integer - assets that can store integers.
Credential - assets that can store credentials. If you select this option the Value field is replaced by two others: Username and Password.
Credential StoreAvailable only when adding credential assets.
The credential store where the asset will be saved, whether the native Orchestrator database or any of your created external stores.
External NameAvailable only when adding credential assets to a CyberArk credential store.
The name of the asset to be used when communicating with CyberArk®.
Global ValueAn asset with a global value asset is received by all users, except those with specific asset values (defined using the Add robot asset value button). When this option is enabled, you must fill in the global value that is received by users:
For Bool assets, two radio buttons, True and False, are displayed. By default, False is selected.
For Credential assets the Username and Password fields are enabled. Both these fields have to be filled in.
For text assets, this field allows for up to 1.000.000 characters.
Add robot asset valueEnables you to add specific asset values on a per user or per user-machine basis.
Note: When not using the Global Value option, you must configure at least one specific value. If a global value is provided, adding specific values is optional.
For Bool assets, two radio buttons, True and False, are displayed. By default, False is selected.
For Credential assets the Username and Password fields are enabled. Both these fields have to be filled in.
For text assets, this field allows for up to 1.000.000 characters.

Managing Asset Links

Sharing assets between folders enables launching jobs in multiple folders without redesigning your workflows in Studio when the underlying processes are targeting the same asset. Linking an asset to a folder makes the asset and all asset-associated objects, such as asset items, available in that folder.



You can only share assets with global values and no specific value per user. You cannot share assets with values per user between folders.



An asset linked to multiple folders is marked using the linked_icon icon. If the icon is not present, then the current folder is the only folder the asset resides in. Deleting it here completely removes the asset from Orchestrator.

You need the Assets - Create permission in the folders where you want to add the asset (target folders) and Assets - View in the folder where the asset currently resides (original folder). If you have Assets - Edit in the target folder, you also require Assets - Edit in the original folder.

Linking Multiple Assets to the Current Folder

  1. In the folder you want to link an asset to, on the Assets page, click Add. Three buttons are displayed allowing you to add an asset, link assets from other folders, or hide the options.
  2. Click Link Assets From Other Folders. The Link Assets window is displayed showing a list of all assets in the folders in which you have View permissions on Assets.
  3. On the Select Assets section, select one or multiple assets from the list.
  4. Click Continue. You are directed to the Folder Validation section. Here you can see the folders the assets are already linked to. If there are multiple folders, the number is displayed. Hover over it to see the folder names.
  5. Click Remove for the corresponding asset to revert the change or click Exit to cancel the operation.
  6. Click Link if you want to make the link between the assets you selected and the current folder. The assets are displayed on the Assets page.

Linking an Asset to Multiple Folders

  1. Navigate to a folder the asset to be linked resides in.
  2. Click More Actions > Manage Links for the desired asset to open the Manage Links window. The Manage Asset Links window is displayed.

1 - Left-hand pane displaying all the folders you have been granted View permissions on Assets.
2 - The current state of the asset displaying the number of folders it currently resides in as well as their names.
3 - The folders the asset is to be added in according to your selection in the left-hand pane.
4 - The folders the asset will be removed from.

  1. Click Update. A confirmation window is displayed.
  2. Click Cancel if you want to abort the changes or Continue for the changes to take effect. The operations are now reflected in Orchestrator according to your changes.

Unlinking Assets From Folders

Unlinking assets from folders can be performed in a manner similar to the linking operation. Navigate to the link-management areas presented in the procedures above and remove the connections between a certain asset and a certain folder.
Alternatively, you can remove an asset using the Remove functionality. See Removing an Asset.



Removing an asset that exists in multiple folders only removes it from the folder where the removal operation takes place, it does not remove it from the other folders as well. In order to completely delete an asset, you must remove all its existing links.

Editing Assets

To edit an asset, click More Actions > Edit button, make the necessary changes and click Update in the Update Asset window. Only the asset value and name can be edited. All changes are audited and can be viewed in the Audit page. If you change the username of a credential asset, you have to also change the password.

Removing Assets

To remove an asset, click More Actions > Remove.

Alternatively, you can select one or multiple assets and click the Remove button.

Updated about a year ago

Managing Assets in Orchestrator

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