
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Managing Robots

In modern folders, there is no robot management per se, as robots are created automatically. However, you are required to define the licensing, execution, and authentication aspects of the robot to be created. Find below the steps to have a functional setup that allows you to execute jobs in modern folders.

Attended Setup

  1. Create a machine template or a standard machine. For personal workspace users, a machine template is automatically created.
    Tenant > Machines
    See here how to create a machine.
  2. Connect UiPath Assistant to Orchestrator using the key generated by the machine entity.
    UiPath Assistant > Orchestrator Settings
    See here how to connect the UiPath Robot to Orchestrator.
  3. Configure the user entity: set its role at the tenant level, enable automatic robot creation, select the license type, select the Stand-alone checkbox if your Studio/StudioX/StudioPro is locally licensed such that Orchestrator doesn't allocate a license from its licenses pool, set the username used to log on to the machine on which the UiPath Robot is installed, configure the execution settings of the UiPath Robot.
    Tenant > Users
    See here how to manage users.
  4. Assign the user to one or multiple folders while choosing the appropriate roles at the folder level. Personal workspace users can work in the context of their own workspace directly.
    This gives access to that folder and makes the processes deployed there available and ready to get executed.
    Tenant > Folders
    See here how to assign users to a folder.
  5. Start a job.
    UiPath Assistant.

In attended mode, the UiPath Assistant shows the processes across all the folders the user is assigned to.
These processes cannot be started or triggered in unattended mode from Orchestrator unless it's for debugging purposes. See Studio design and Orchestrator debugging.

Unattended Setup

  1. Create a machine template or a standard machine.
    Assign the necessary runtimes to the template. A template with X number of runtimes sets aside X licenses from the tenant's pool of licenses for each workstation connected to Orchestrator using that template. This allows you to execute X processes concurrently on each such workstation.
    Say you assigned 2 unattended and 3 nonproduction runtimes to a machine template. Three workstations connected to Orchestrator using that machine template withhold 6 ( 2 unattended X 3 workstations) unattended and 9 (3 nonproduction x 3 workstation) nonproduction licenses from the tenant's pool of licenses. This enables you to execute a number of 2 unattended, respectively 3 nonproduction processes, concurrently on each such workstation.
    Tenant > Machines > Machine Template
    See here how to create a machine template.
  1. Connect your machines to Orchestrator using the key generated by a machine template.
    See here how to connect the UiPath Robot to Orchestrator.
  2. Configure the user entity: set its role at the tenant level, enable automatic robot creation, set the username and password used to log on to the machine such that the Robot can authenticate, select the credential store, and configure the execution settings of the Robot.
    Tenant > Users
    See here how to manage users.
  3. Assign the user and machine template to one or multiple folders while choosing the user's roles at the folder level.
    This gives access to that folder and makes the processes deployed there available and ready to get executed.
    Tenant > Folders
    See here how to assign users and machine templates to a folder.
  4. Start a job, configuring its priority and runtime type. You can specify the user under which it gets executed, or you can leave it undefined.
    Unattended jobs are dynamically executed by automatically pairing the users and machines in your environment. If the user is specified, only the machine is dynamically allocated. If no user is specified, both are dynamically paired to each other. The latter is the optimal job execution mechanism, as it optimizes resource consumption.
    Folder context > Automations > Jobs
    UiPath Robot Tray (for unattended robots used in attended mode)
    See here how to start a job.

In unattended mode, the UiPath Assistant shows the processes across all folders to which both the user and machine template have been assigned. These processes can be started or triggered in unattended mode from Orchestrator.
A user using an unattended robot in attended mode (the user logs on to the machine) does not have access to the processes in folders to which the user alone is assigned. Their access is restricted to processes found in folders to which both themselves and the machine template are assigned.


Dynamic Allocation Usage Convention

On a host machine you need to provision a Windows user for each user that belongs to the folders to which the corresponding machine template is assigned to.
Say you connected a server to Orchestrator using the key generated by machine template, FinanceT. That machine template is assigned to folders FinanceExecution and FinanceHR, where 6 users are assigned as well. Those 6 users need to be provisioned as Windows users on the server.

Studio Design & Orchestrator Debugging

To build workflows in Studio/StudioX/StudioPro while debugging in Orchestrator you need both an attended and an unattended robot created for the developer. An admin can create an attended and an unattended robot following these steps:

  1. Add user and configure user details.
    Tenant > Users

Configuring User Details

  1. Create and configure the attended robot.
    • For directory users the Domain\Username is prefilled. (6)
    • To build workflows and start jobs from the Assistant, you need a user license that offers Studio capabilities and enables you to provision the Robot for that specific user in Orchestrator. See UiPath Licensing Portal for details about available SKUs. (7)
    • Create a personal workspace for the user to facilitate workflow debugging in the context of the workspace. (8)

Creating and configuring the attended robot.

  1. Create and configure the unattended robot.

Creating and configuring the unattended robot.

  1. Configure robot settings
  1. Create a machine template or a standard machine to connect the Robot to Orchestrator using its key. Attach runtimes to it to allow unattended execution.
    Tenant > Machines
    • Orchestrator automatically manages machine templates for personal workspace owners. A machine template with a Development runtime is automatically created and assigned to each new personal workspace.
    • Debugging without using the Personal Workspaces feature requires attaching a NonProduction runtime to the machine used for debugging. This secures a runtime from the pool of licenses available at the tenant level and assigns it to the template. This enables the user to start jobs from Orchestrator. The allocated runtime is consumed when executing a job.
    • Learn more about machine entities in Orchestrator
  1. Connect the Robot to Orchestrator using the key generated by the machine entity.
    UiPath Assistant > Preferences > Orchestrator Settings
  2. Developers can publish automation projects and launch jobs from Orchestrator in the context of their workspace right away. To perform debugging operations in folders other than their personal workspaces, the following extra steps are required:
    • Debugging using the Assistant: The user must be assigned to the desired folders to make the contained resources available to them.
    • Debugging using Orchestrator: Both the user and the machine entity (personal workspace machine template) must be assigned to the desired folders. In Orchestrator you can execute only processes from folders to which both your user and the machine template are assigned.



I do not have any runtimes available when starting a job from Orchestrator
Make sure you assigned both the user and the machine to the folder that contains the process to be executed.
Make sure you assigned runtimes to the machine template used to connect the Robot to Orchestrator. This is only necessary if you are not using Personal Workspaces.

Updated about a year ago

Managing Robots

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