
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Protecting Sensitive Information in Studio

To protect sensitive information that is logged during the execution of your automation at the Verbose level, you can choose not to log variable and argument values in both Orchestrator and Studio.

To do this, you can select the Private property check box from the activities that use sensitive information.


This option is visible in the DisplayName of the activity:


This can also be achieved by using, in the title of an activity, the reserved words from the excludedData parameter in the project.json file from a given project (%HOMEPATH%\Documents\UiPath\[PROJECT NAME]).


By default, only two words are reserved: "private" and “password.”

However, you can easily add custom reserved words, under the default ones, in between quotation marks. Please note that wildcards (*, ?) are supported.

  • In the example below, the Get Asset activity has the word password in the title and therefore, does not log the values of the variable it uses.

Updated 2 years ago

Protecting Sensitive Information in Studio

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