
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Managing Test Data Queues in Orchestrator


Manage test data queues and queue items in Orchestrator. Newly created test data queues are empty but you can upload queue items based on your defined JSON schema, either directly in Orchestrator, or through Studio.

JSON schema definition

To create a test data queue, you need to define a JSON schema that formats the data properly. This will support uploading items to your test data queue, where the columns are the first level properties of the JSON content, as defined by your schema.

The following JSON schema example contains a root schema.

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "",
    "type": "object",
    "title": "The root schema",
    "description": "The root schema comprises the entire JSON document.",
    "default": {},
    "examples": [
            "id": 1,
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "doe",
            "email": "",
            "gender": "male",
            "ip_address": "",
            "skills": "UHV"
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "$id": "#/properties/id",
            "type": "integer",
            "title": "The id schema",
            "description": "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
            "default": 0,
            "examples": [
        "first_name": {
            "$id": "#/properties/first_name",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The first_name schema",
            "description": "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
            "default": "",
            "examples": [
        "last_name": {
            "$id": "#/properties/last_name",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The last_name schema",
            "description": "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
            "default": "",
            "examples": [
        "email": {
            "$id": "#/properties/email",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The email schema",
            "description": "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
            "default": "",
            "examples": [
        "gender": {
            "$id": "#/properties/gender",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The gender schema",
            "description": "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
            "default": "",
            "examples": [
        "ip_address": {
            "$id": "#/properties/ip_address",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The ip_address schema",
            "description": "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
            "default": "",
            "examples": [
        "skills": {
            "$id": "#/properties/skills",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The skills schema",
            "description": "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
            "default": "",
            "examples": [
    "additionalProperties": true

Manage test data queues

Create test data queues

  1. Log in to Orchestrator.
  2. Open your folder.
  3. Navigate to Testing> Test Data Queues.
  4. Click Add test data queue.
  5. Enter a Name for your test data queue.
  6. Add an optional Description to help you easily identify the use of each test data queue.
  7. Click Browse to find and upload your JSON schema.



To create a JSON schema, click How do I create a JSON schema?, and see JSON Schema Definition.

  1. Click Add to save changes.
    Your test data queue is added to the list. You can start uploading items to your queue through:

Edit test data queues

  1. Log in to Orchestrator.
  2. Open your folder.
  3. Navigate to Testing> Test Data Queues.
  4. Select a test data queue and click the vertical ellipsis to open the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Configure your test data queue settings.
  7. Click Update to confirm changes.

Delete test data queues

  1. Log in to Orchestrator.
  2. Open your folder.
  3. Navigate to Testing> Test Data Queues.
  4. Select a test data queue and click the vertical ellipsis to open the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. Click Ok to confirm changes.

Manage test data queue items

Manage queue items in Orchestrator to prepare your test queues for consumption.

To manage test data queue items, navigate to Testing> Test Data Queues, click the vertical ellipsis on a queue, and then click View Items.

The following table lists the actions that you can take to manage your test data queue items

Upload itemsUpload items to your test data queue.1. In the Test Data Queues page, select a queue and click the vertical ellipsis to open the dropdown menu.
2. Click Upload Items.
IsConsumed The item was used in a test data queue. Items flagged as Consumed will be excluded from future test data queue runs.1. In the Test Data Queues page, select a queue and click the vertical ellipsis to open the dropdown menu.
2. Click View Items.
3. Click the Is-Consumed box on individual items.
Set all items in the queue as consumed Flag all items as Consumed to be excluded from future test data queue runs.1. In the Test Data Queues page, select a queue and click the vertical ellipsis to open the dropdown menu.
2. Click View Items.
3. Click Set all items in the queue as consumed.
Set all items in the queue as un-consumed Flag all items as Un-consumed to be included in future test data queue runs.1. In the Test Data Queues page, select a queue and click the vertical ellipsis to open the dropdown menu.
2. Click View Items.
3. Click Set all items in the queue as consumed.
Remove Remove an item from the test data queue.1. In the Test Data Queues page, select a queue and click the vertical ellipsis to open the dropdown menu.
2. Click View Items.
3. Click Set all items in the queue as consumed.

Updated about a year ago

Managing Test Data Queues in Orchestrator

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