
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions for the Test Schedules Page

The Test Schedules Page

SearchLooks for schedules that match your input. You can search according to the schedule name and test set name.
State FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the state of the schedule. The following options are available: All, Enabled, Disabled.

Opens the Add Test Schedule window, which enables you to configure a new schedule.
NameThe name of the schedule as it was filled in when it was created.
Test SetThe name of the test set that has been scheduled to be executed.
DetailsDisplays the executions details of the schedule.
Next Run TimeDisplays the amount of time until the next execution of the test set. Hovering over this field displays the exact time and date. If the schedule is in a different timezone than the one configured per tenant, the difference is displayed in the tooltip. For schedules that have been disabled, Disabled is displayed instead.
More Actions

Displays a menu with the following options:

Edit - opens the Edit Test Schedule window for that schedule.
Enable - enables the selected schedule.
Disable - disables the selected schedule.

When selecting Test Schedules, the Disable and Enable buttons are also available at the top of the page, instead of the Search and filtering options. This enables you to make bulk updates to your schedules.

The Add Test Schedule Window

NameAdds a custom name to your schedule, so that you can easily identify them. The name cannot exceed 255 characters.
DescriptionAdds an optional description to your schedule.
Test SetDisplays a drop-down list of the available Test Sets and enables you to select the one that you want to schedule.
TimezoneThe timezone according to which the schedule is launched. By default, UTC is selected.

The Non-working day restrictions option is disabled for schedules configured with a timezone different than the one set at tenant level (Settings page > General tab). A tenant without an explicitly defined timezone inherits it from the host.
Schedule ConditionsDefine trigger conditions for process execution. Your process can be configured to trigger:
every 1, 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes;
once every number of hours;
on a daily, weekly or monthly basis at a specific hour;
on selected weekdays at a specific hour;
according to a custom cron expression. Orchestrator uses an open-source library to parse and display cron descriptions, which can be found here.
Non-working days restrictionsEnables you to apply non-working days restrictions to your schedule according to a calendar configured beforehand. Details here.
Please remember that this option is disabled for triggers configured with a timezone different than the one set at tenant level (Settings page > General tab). A tenant without an explicitly defined timezone inherits it from the host.
Disable Schedule atEnables you to set a date and time when the schedule gets automatically disabled.
AddCreates the schedule with the selected configuration and saves it in the database.
CancelCloses the Add Test Schedule window without saving your settings.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions for the Test Schedules Page

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