
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions for the Test Sets Page

The Test Sets Page

SearchLooks for Test Sets that match your input. Searches according to Test Set name and description.

Opens the Add Test Set window, enabling you to create new test sets.
NameThe name of the Test Set.
DescriptionThe description of the Test Set, if available.
# of Test CasesThe number of Test Cases in this Test Set.
EnvironmentThe name of the environment where the selected package is assigned.
Note: The Environment column is displayed only in classic folders.
CreatedThe time when the Test set was created.
Last ModifiedThe time when the Test Set was last edited.
More ActionsOpens a menu with the following options:

The Execute option is no longer part of the menu options; it was placed right next to the menu options:
The menu option has the following options: Edit, Clone, Delete

The Add Test Set Window

NameA custom name for the Test Set to help you identify it.
DescriptionA custom description for the Test Set. It is recommended that you populate this field to help you easily identify the use for each particular test set.
EnvironmentA searchable drop-down where you select the environment for this test set and its selected package.
Note: The Environment column is displayed only in classic folders.
SearchSearch for your desired project by name or version.
ProjectDisplays the available packages from the selected Environment. Select the package(s) to be added to this Test Set.
The Environment field is only available in classic folders.
VersionDisplays the current version of the selected package. Can be changed using the Edit (add) button.
Include PrereleaseToggle to select if prerelease versions are included.
CancelClose the window without creating this Test Set.
BackReturn to the Add Test Set window. Only active from the Select Test Cases window.
NextProceed to the Select Test Cases window.
CreateSave your selections and create this Test Set.

The Select Test Cases Window

NameDisplays the entered name for this Test Set.
EnvironmentDisplays the selected Environment for this Test Set.
Note: The Environment column is displayed only in classic folders.
SearchSearch for your desired Test Case by name or project.
Test CaseDisplays the available Test Cases from the selected package(s). Select the Test Case(s) to be added to this Test Set.
ProjectThe project of the selected Test Case.
App VersionThe version being tested by this Test Case.
CreatedThe time when the Test Case was created.
Last ModifiedThe time when this Test Case was last edited.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions for the Test Sets Page

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