
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Review Requests

Displaying Review Requests

In the Queues page, click the Review Requests tab to display revision requests. The page displays items from various queues assigned for revision.



The Review Requests page only displays items assigned to the currently logged in user. By default, the page is filtered by the In Review revision status.

Updating the Revision Status

To change the status of review requests, hover over the item, click the More Actions button and select the Revision status you need.

The In Review status can be assigned to items that the user is currently reviewing, while Mark as Verified or Retry Items statuses can be enabled for items that underwent revision. Items cannot be retried after the user sets the Mark as Verified status.

Once the revision status is edited, the reviewer assigned to the transaction item cannot be changed.

Removing Review Requests

To remove a review request:

  1. Hover over the item and click on the corresponding More Actions button.
  2. Select the Remove option from the drop-down list. The item no longer appears in the Review Requests page. In the Transactions page, it is marked as deleted, but it is not removed from the database.

Multiple selection is available for changing the revision status of queue items or removing them in bulk, from the Review Requests page.



After a queue is deleted, assigned transaction items belonging to the queue are no longer visible in the Review Requests page.

Updated 2 years ago

Review Requests

Suggested Edits are limited on API Reference Pages

You can only suggest edits to Markdown body content, but not to the API spec.