
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Migrating from Classic Folders to Modern Folders

Upon upgrading your existing Orchestrator instance, all entities are migrated to the folder context, either a single folder (Default) or a folder for each previous Organization Unit in use. These entities can continue to be used as before, with no change in backward compatibility or performance.

To take advantage of the features provided by modern folders, you must recompile existing workflows that are using Orchestrator activities or are making direct HTTP calls to the Orchestrator API, using UiPath.System.Activities v19.10.1 or higher. You must also reprovision all other existing entities in a modern folder structure except for:

  • Robots - as they are automatically provisioned for users with access to the new modern folder; and
  • Environments - as they are not used in the context of a modern folder.

See here to learn more about modern folders' additional features.



Upgrading your existing entities to the modern model removes all backward compatibility. The recompiled workflows are only executable by v2019.10+ Robots.

Migrating to Modern Folders

To convert your current deployment, in whole or in part, to utilize modern folders, some entities must be redeployed while others must be recreated entirely.

A general overview of the migration process can be thought of as follows:

  • Each previous Organization Unit, or Tenant if no OU's were used, becomes a First Level Folder. This is done automatically when you upgrade your Orchestrator instance.
  • Each Environment becomes a separate subfolder or, alternatively, its own first-level Folder if you want to keep the users and processes in each segregated completely.
  • The workflow of each Package must be recompiled using current activities and then republished or uploaded to Orchestrator.
  • Using the newly compiled Packages, each Process must be redeployed to the Folder (or subfolder), which corresponds with its previous Environment.
  • Each User must be added to the Folder(s) corresponding with the Processes they need to access.

This migration can be performed seamlessly for the User. The Orchestrator administrator creates and adds the entire modern folder structure and needed entities while the users still utilize the existing entities in the classic folders where they are assigned. During this time, you can create two robots with the same domain\username, one in a classic folder and one in a modern folder, and the user sees and executes only the classic processes available to them. When the classic robot is deleted, the modern robot takes over and executes the newly created and added modern versions of those same processes, with no change in the user's experience.



Classic robots must be manually deleted. If a classic robot exists with the same domain/username as a user in a modern folder, the user will only have access to the classic robot and related processes.

Assisted Migration Using Orchestrator Manager

To simplify the process of migrating to modern folders, you can use the UiPath Orchestration Manager. This is a Studio project that uses the Orchestrator API to manipulate entities based on Microsoft Excel workbooks. For instructions on how to use it for migration, see the product's documentation.

Working Across Folders

Using modern folders, your automation workflow, executed from one folder, can access resources in another folder using the Orchestrator Folder Path parameter of the Orchestrator activities such as Get Asset.

Relative folder paths are supported in the Orchestrator Folder Path parameter, as follows:

  • Path starting with / - starts from the root folder of the tree the ambient folder is part of.
  • Path starting with . - starts from the ambient folder.
  • Path starting with .. - starts one level up in the hierarchy of the ambient folder for each .. in the path (e.g. ../ for one level up, ../../ for two levels up in the hierarchy).

Note that trailing slashes are not accepted.

Updated about a year ago

Migrating from Classic Folders to Modern Folders

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