
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Test Schedules


In this topic, you can learn how to schedule your tests. Through Test Schedules, you can plan and define test execution time intervals.


Add test schedule

Set a test schedule for your test sets.

  1. Log in to Orchestrator.
  2. Open your folder.
  3. Navigate to Testing > Test Schedules.
  4. Click Add test schedule.
  5. Configure the following:
    • Name: Enter a name for your test schedule.
    • Description: Enter an optional description.
    • Test set: Select test set from the dropdown list.
    • Timezone: Configure the execution time interval. Use the Advanced feature for highly customizable test schedules. For more information, see Cron Expression.
    • Non-working days restrictions: Configure the time interval according to non-business days. For more information, see Managing Non-Working Days.
    • Disable schedule at: Set an expiration date.



Test Schedule execution time can be adjusted according to a specific time zone. The time zone set on a schedule is not correlated to the time zone of the tenant (set in the Settings page).

  1. Click Add to confirm.

Manage test schedules

You can choose from the following options to manage your test schedules.

Execution examination optionDescriptionProcedure
EditEdit test set details, execution target, projects and test cases.1. Open your folder in Orchestrator.
2. Navigate to Testing > Test Schedules.
3. Select a test schedules and go to More Actions > Edit.
4. Configure the test schedule and then click Update to confirm changes.
Enable/DisableEnable and disable test schedules.1. Open your folder in Orchestrator.
2. Navigate to Testing > Test Schedules.
3. Select a test schedules and go to More Actions > Enable or Disable.
DeleteDelete test schedules.1. Open your folder in Orchestrator.
2. Navigate to Testing > Test Schedules.
3. Select a test schedules and go to More Actions > Delete
4. Click Ok to confirm.

Updated about a year ago

Test Schedules

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