
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

About Audit

The Audit page displays the audit trail for actions performed by all entities in Orchestrator.


The Audit page can be opened from the User menu.


Filtering the Events in the Audit Page

The data in the Audit page can be filtered by several criteria, namely Component, User, Action, and Time:


Filtering by Component, the following components are available:

  • Assets
  • Comments
  • Credential Stores
  • Directory Service
  • Environments
  • Execution Media
  • Folders
  • Jobs
  • Libraries
  • Licenses
  • Machines
  • Maintenance
  • Monitoring
  • Packages
  • Processes
  • Queues
  • Robots
  • Roles
  • Triggers
  • Settings
  • Task Catalogs
  • Tasks
  • Units
  • Users
  • Webhooks


The User filter enables viewing changes performed by a certain user.

Exporting the Audit Page as a .CSV file

The entire information comprised in the Audit page can be downloaded as a .csv file by clicking the Export button.


To ensure the best performance, please note that the exported entries are not in reverse chronological order.


The Action filter contains the following actions that the Audit page logs details about:

  • Acknowledge
  • Activate
  • Assign
  • Associate
  • Bulk Upload
  • Changed Password
  • Change Status
  • Create
  • Deactivate
  • Delete
  • Download
  • End
  • Import
  • Password Reset Attempt
  • Reset Password
  • Skip
  • Start
  • Start Job
  • Stop Job
  • Toggle
  • Unassign
  • Update
  • Upload


The Time filter makes it possible to view the events according to the time they happened. The following intervals are available:

  • Last hour
  • Last day
  • Last week
  • Last 30 days

The Audit Data Window

Further information about an event can be displayed by clicking the View Details button, in the Audit Data window.


Updated 3 years ago

About Audit

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