
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode provides a simplified and pain-free solution for stopping all Orchestrator activity and shutting down IIS when needed, such as undertaking maintenance or upgrading your Orchestrator instance. This is useful for all installations, but especially so for large deployments with numerous active schedules and many jobs processing at all times.



Maintenance Mode is only available to the Host tenant, and is accessible only via Orchestrator's API. For details, see the Orchestrator API Reference.

To use Maintenance Mode:

  1. Enable Pending Maintenance mode using the /api/Maintenance/Start call and selecting Draining as the phase parameter. During this time:
  • Robot communication with Orchestrator is still active (i.e. logs are uploaded, queue items are added);
  • No new jobs can be created;
  • A Stop command is sent to all running jobs;
  • All schedules are paused;
  • The Orchestrator interface is unavailable to everyone during maintenance.



If any jobs do not complete, or are too lengthy to wait, you have the ability to send a Kill command for all remaining jobs using the killJobs parameter.

  1. When all running jobs have stopped, enable Maintenance Mode using the /api/Maintenance/Start call and selecting Suspended as the phase parameter. During this time all Robot to Orchestrator communication is stopped.

  2. You can now shut down IIS and proceed with any maintenance or update actions needed. Maintenance Mode will persist through any stop, restart, or upgrade operation until manually switched off.

  3. Restart IIS and Orchestrator when all maintenance actions have been completed. Turn off Maintenance Mode using the /api/Maintenance/End call . This will:

    • Resume all previously paused schedules;
    • Create a maintenance log for each tenant showing the schedule executions missed and jobs stopped/killed.



This log is only accessible at the tenant level using the api/Maintenance/Get call and contains only those job and schedule details specific to that tenant.

Updated 2 years ago

Maintenance Mode

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