
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions for Queues

The Queues Page

Enables you to toggle column visibility. By default, all columns are displayed. Clear or select the check boxes corresponding to the columns you want to stay hidden or visible, respectively.

Click Reset in the Visible Columns drop-down to return to the default configuration with all columns enabled and visible.
SearchLooks for queues that match your input. Searches according to queue name and description.
Has TriggerEnables you to filter queues according to whether or not they have triggers. The following options are available:
Reset to defaultsThis button is displayed only if you made changes to any of the filters described above, and enables you to return to the default settings.

Please note that this button also resets the number of items displayed per page.

Opens the Add Queue window, which enables you to create a new queue.
NameThe name of the queue. The maximum value is 50 characters.
DescriptionThe description of the queue. The maximum value is 250 characters.
In ProgressThe number of queue items that are currently being processed, and have the In Progress status.
RemainingThe number of queue items that have not been processed yet, and have the New status.
Average TimeThe average time that was required to process the queue items, expressed in seconds.
SuccessfulThe total number of transactions that were processed successfully.
App ExceptionThe total number of transactions that failed with an application exception.
Biz ExceptionsThe total number of transactions that failed with a business exception.
ProcessThe process to be launched by an associated Trigger.
More Actions

Displays a menu with the following options:
Edit - enables you to edit the queue description on the Update Queue window.
View Transactions - displays the transactions of the corresponding queue, in the Transactions page.
Add / Edit Trigger - displays the Add Trigger or Edit Trigger window on the Triggers page.
Monitor Queue - displays the Monitoring page for the corresponding queue.
View Chart - displays a line chart of the transaction status evolution over a specific amount of time for the corresponding queue, in the Chart window.
Upload Items - displays the Upload Items page for the corresponding queue.
Remove - deletes the corresponding queue. Assigned transactions belonging to the queue are no longer visible in the Review Requests page.

The Create Queue Window

The name of the queue (this name is used in Studio to identify the queue you want to work with).
The description of your queue.
Unique ReferenceOptional.
Enables you to enforce unique references in all the transactions that are to be added to the queue, by selecting the Yes button. If the No button is selected, then the queue can contain transactions with duplicate references.
This option cannot be edited, and displays if the current queue enforces unique references or not.
Auto RetryMandatory.
Indicates if Orchestrator should retry to process items in the queue when an Application Exception is encountered. Yes or No are the available options. If you select No, the Max # of retries field is no longer displayed.
Max # of RetriesMandatory.
The number of times Orchestrator should retry to process an item when an Application Exception is encountered. By default, the value is 1. The maximum number of retries is 50.
Specific Data JSON SchemaOptional. File size limited to 256kb by default.
Enables you to upload a JSON schema for the specific data of all transactions in the queue. All transactions added to the queue must adhere to the schema or an error will be triggered and the request to add the transaction will fail.
Note: The uploaded schema is not enforced retroactively, existing transaction items are not affected.
Output Data JSON SchemaOptional. File size limited to 256kb by default.
Enables you to upload a JSON schema for the output data of all transactions in the queue. If a transaction status is set to Successful but its output data violates the schema, then the transaction will fail with a Business Exception.
Analytics Data JSON SchemaOptional. File size limited to 256kb by default.
Enables you to upload a JSON schema for the analytics data generated when a transaction status is set to Successful. If a transaction status is set to Successful but its analytics data violates the schema, then the transaction will fail with a Business Exception.
Enable SLA for this queue ToggleOptional. Used to enable SLA predictions for the current queue.

If enabled, you must also set the following parameters:
Process - the process that will handle the queue items.
SLA - the value in Days and Hours of the item deadline. The maximum value is 90 days.
Risk SLAOptional. Only available if you selected Enable SLA for this queue. Used to define a time frame before the SLA expiration where the queue items are deemed at risk of not meeting the deadline.

If enabled, you must also set the Days and Hours of the Risk SLA, keeping in mind that it must be smaller than the defined SLA.

The Chart Window

Business ExceptionsThe average time that was required to process transactions that failed with a business exception, expressed in seconds.
Application ExceptionsThe average time that was required to process transactions that failed with an application exception, expressed in seconds.
Successful TransactionsThe average time that was required to process successful transactions, expressed in seconds.
Time PeriodDisplay transaction information in the chart for the:
Last hour
Last day
Last week
Last 30 days
Transaction Status FilterRemove or add a transaction status filter from the chart, by clicking it. The following options are available:
Application Exception
Business Exception

The Upload Items Window

BrowseEnables you to select the .csv file you want to upload.
Process All IndependentlyProcesses all items individually and adds them to the queue, if successful. If not, it returns a list of those whose processing failed. You have the option to download the list into a .csv file.
All or NothingAdds the items only if all of them are successfully processed. Otherwise none is added.
CancelCancel the upload activity and return to the Queues page.
UploadHas two purposes:
Uploads the .csv file into your Orchestrator instance, if the file is compliant with the supported formatting rules.
Uploads the items into the corresponding queue, according to the selected upload strategy.
DownloadEnables you to download a .csv file containing the unprocessed rows in the initially uploaded file.

Only displayed if there are unprocessed items when using the Process All Independently upload strategy.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions for Queues

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