
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Setup Samples

This page describes a mapping between a couple of various real-life scenarios and the recommended Orchestrator setup done in modern folders.

Illustrative Scenarios

1 User/Machine Combination

John was provided a laptop by the company he works for, on which he works day after day.
He logs in on his laptop with using his credentials.
The unique identifier (machine name) of the laptop is JOSMITH.

  • 1 User
  • 1 Machine
  • 1 user/machine combination - stays the same day after day.
Orchestrator Setup
One machine template.
One floating robot for the user. The robot is identified by John (using the domain\username syntax). Floating robots are automatically created at user level.

John connects his UiPath Robot to Orchestrator using the key generated by the machine template.

2 User/Machine Combinations

Boris and Vadim work as call center operators. They work in 2 shifts on the same computer.
They each log in on the computer using their credentials.
The unique identifier of the laptop is PC345.

  • 2 Users
  • 1 Machine
  • 2 user/machine combinations - stay the same day after day: {(Boris - PC345), (Vadim - PC345)}.
Orchestrator Setup
One machine template.
Two floating robots. Floating robots are automatically created at user level.

Both Vadim and Boris connect their UiPath Robots to Orchestrator using the key generated by the machine template.

3 User/Machine Combinations

Randy, Kanye and Juanita work on virtual machines, on persistent virtual desktop images which are delivered to their endpoint devices over a network. Each of them uses the same VM day after day.
They each log in on the VMs using their credentials.
The unique identifiers of the VMs are: RAND32, KAN43 and JUA65

  • 3 Users
  • 3 Machines
  • 3 user/machine combination which stay the same day after day: {(Randy - RAND32), (Kanye - KAN43), (Juanita - JUA65)}
Orchestrator Setup
One machine template.
Three floating robots. Floating robots are automatically created at user level.

Each user connects their UiPath Robots to Orchestrator using the key generated by that same machine template.

9 User/Machine Combinations

Ion, Sandu and Georgeta work on virtual machines, on non-persistent virtual desktop images which are delivered to their endpoint devices over a network. Each day, they are arbitrarily assigned to a VM from a pool 3 VMs.
They each log in on the VMs using their credentials.
The unique identifiers of the VMs are: VM10, VM11, VM12.

  • 3 User
  • 3 Machines
  • 9 user/machine combinations which are random {(Ion - VM10), (Ion - VM11), (Ion - VM12), (Sandu - VM10), (Sandu - VM11), (Sandu - VM12), (Georgeta - VM10), (Georgeta - VM11), (Georgeta - VM12)}
Orchestrator Setup
One machine template.
Three floating robots. Floating robots are automatically created at user level.

Each user connects their UiPath Robots to Orchestrator using the key generated by that same machine template.

Updated 2 years ago

Setup Samples

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