
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions for the Attended Licenses Pages

The fields on the Attended, Studio, StudioX, and StudioPro pages are similar, as follows:

SearchLooks in the Username column for entries that match your input.
License Status FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the licensed status of the users. The available options are:
License Source FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the source of the license. The available options are:
This filter is not displayed for Attended Robots.
Reset to defaultsThis button is displayed only if you made changes to any of the filters described above, and enables you to return to the default settings.

Please note that this button also resets the number of items displayed per page.
UsernameThe username under which one or multiple Robots are defined. For local Development and Attended Robots, the machine name is displayed after the username.
Last LoginThe amount of time that passed since the corresponding user last logged in. Hovering over this field displays the exact time and date the user last logged in.
MachinesThe number of machines that a specific user is connected to.
License StatusIndicates if the user is using a license of not. If a user is licensed and you hover over this field, the machine on which it is running is displayed.
License SourceIndicated the source of the license, either Orchestrator or Stand-alone.
View Robots

Displays all the Robots that are defined with the corresponding username.
Note that you need View permissions on Robots for this button to be enabled.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions for the Attended Licenses Pages

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