
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions for the Jobs Page

The Jobs Page

Enables you to toggle column visibility. By default, all columns are displayed. Clear or select the check boxes corresponding to the columns you want to stay hidden or visible, respectively.

Click Reset in the Visible Columns drop-down to return to the default configuration with all columns enabled and visible.
SearchLooks for jobs that match your input. You can search according to process, Robot, and environment.
User FilterLooks for the user associated to the Robot which executed a job.
State FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the job state. The following options are available:
Priority FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the job priority. The following options are available:
Source FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the source of the job execution. The following options are available:
Time Trigger
Queue Trigger
Interval FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the time of the job execution. The following options are available:
Last hour
Last day
Last week
Last 30 days
Reset to defaultsThis button is displayed only if you made changes to any of the filters described above, and enables you to return to the default settings.

Please note that this button also resets the number of items displayed per page.

Opens the Start Job window, so that you can define the processes to be executed and their assigned Robots.
ProcessThe name of the process that was executed.
The process type is illustrated with an icon displayed alongside the process name. The icon represents the type for that specific process version.
Requires User Interface requires_user_interface
Background Process requires_user_interface
RobotThe name of the Robot that executed or is to execute the corresponding process. If the Dynamic Allocation option was used, and the Robot hasn't been assigned yet, Pending Allocation is displayed.
Only displayed in classic folders.
UserThe user associated to the Robot that executed the process.
MachineThe name of the machine on which the process was executed.
EnvironmentThe name of the environment a given process is associated with.
Only displayed in classic folders.
TypeThe type of the job according to the runtime type consumed for its execution.
In classic folders it's determined by the robot type.
StateThe state in which a job is.
Click here for details about job states page.
PriorityThe priority of the job.
StartedThe amount of time since the job has started executing. Hovering over this field displays the exact time and date.
EndedThe amount of time since the job has finished executing. Hovering over this displays the exact time and date.
SourceIndicates the method a job was started.
[trigger_name] - The job was started by that trigger.
Agent - The job was started from the UiPath Robot tray.
Manual - The job was started from Orchestrator.
More Actions

Displays a menu that has the following options:
Details - displays more information about a job. These details can be useful when trying to figure out the reason a job was faulted.
View Logs - displays the logs generated by the indicated job, on the Logs page.
Download Recording - enables you to download the execution media for your unattended faulted jobs. Each download action is tracked on the Audit page. More details here.
Stop - enables you to stop an executing or pending job. For more information, see the Stopping a Job page.
Kill - enables you to forcefully stop an executing or pending job. For more information, see the Killing a Job page.
Resume - enables you to restart a paused job, if enables. See here for details.
Restart - enables you to restart the selected job. See here for details.

Modern Folder

The Start Job Window

ProcessDisplays a list of all the available processes and enables you to select the one that you want to be executed.
Job PriorityDisplays three priority levels to help you control which job executions have precedence over others. The following options are available:
This value is inherited from the process level, but you can change it on the Jobs page as well.
Job TypeThe runtime type consumed when executing the job.
Click here for details.

The Execution Target Tab

UserDisplays all the users associated to unattended robot and enables you to target which ones to execute a job.
Only displayed in modern folders.
Specific RobotsDisplays all the unattended robots in the environment associated to the selected process, and enables you to manually select the ones to execute it.
Only displayed in classic folders.
Allocate DynamicallyDisplays a field in which you can specify how many times the selected process is to be executed. The job is executed as soon as a robot from becomes available.
StartStarts the execution of the selected process by the selected robots. This button is available only if a process and at least one robot are selected.
CancelCloses the Start Job window without saving your settings.

The Parameters Tab

ParametersThe name and type of an argument that was set at design time, in Studio.
ValueEnables you to view and edit the value of input parameters.
The value of an input parameter can be marked as follows:
No value - No value was provided for the parameter, at package or process level.
Inherited from package - The value was provided by default in Studio.
Inherited from process - The value was provided at process level (in the View Process window).

If no In or In/Out arguments have been defined in Studio, the following message is displayed: Input parameters are not defined for this version.

The Job Details Window

The Job Details Tab

ProcessThe full name of the package that was executed in this job.
EnvironmentThe name of the environment associated with the package that was executed in this job.
Only populated for job executions in classic folders.
RobotThe name of the user associated to the UiPath Robot that executed the job. Alongside the name, the type of runtime consumed while executing the job is displayed.
In classic folders, the name of the Robot that executed this job is displayed.
MachineThe name of the machine on which the UiPath Robot which executed the job is installed.
InfoDetails about the job.
Start TimeThe exact time and date at which the job was started.
End TimeThe exact time and date at which the job was finished.
Input ValuesDisplays the values of input parameters, if available. Please note that values for parameters are displayed here only if they were provided in Orchestrator.
Output ValuesDisplays the values of output parameters, if available.
Has RecordingDisplays whether the recording functionality has been enabled or not.

The Triggers Tab

Only displayed for long-running, suspended jobs. Contains information on all the triggers needed for job resumption. Each entry can be further expanded to display additional information on each trigger, such as the entity ID, name, priority, and creation time.

StatusThe status of the trigger.
TypeThe type of triggered required such that the suspended job gets resumed. The following options are available:
Task - A task needs to be completed.
Queue Item - A queue item needs to be processed.
External Trigger - An external condition needs to be met, such as an additional job.
Time Delay - A time delay needs to pass.
MessageThe StatusMessage as defined in the corresponding activity in Studio.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions for the Jobs Page

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