
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Robots in Classic Folders

In classic folders, robots are manually created. Before proceeding to robot behavior in classic folders, it is recommended that you get familiar to some basic notions first. Take a look at the following list of resources:

Robot Management

In classic folders, robot management is done manually (Management > Robots), meaning you have to configure the robot and machine entities by hand. This includes:

A robot can only be part of one classic folder. As such, it can only have access to processes found in one folder at a time. If you want the robot to have access to processes found in a different classic folder, you are required to delete the robot entity from the first folder, and provision it in the new one.
Robots can automatically download processes, and execute them under custom settings. You can configure automatic process downloading, logging level, font smoothing, and resolution in the Settings tab while creating or editing a robot.
After being created, robots can be monitored on the Robots page, Monitoring menu.
Click here for details on how to manage robots in classic folders.

Robot Licensing

In classic folders, the license type of the robot is configured when creating or editing the robot entity in Orchestrator. Depending on the robot connection status, some restriction might apply to editing. See here details about robot statuses.

In classic folders, you can use any type of standard robot (in conjunction with standard machines) and attended floating robots (in conjunction with machine templates).
Click here for license types per robot.
Click here for details on the licensing concepts.


A grouping of robots in a classic folder is called an environment and it enables you to execute the same package on multiple Robots simultaneously.



If you have multiple Robots on the same machine, it is recommended that you group them in the same environment and Orchestrator tenant. Otherwise, some errors might occur when deploying different versions of the same process.

For more information about environments, click here.

Updated 2 years ago

Robots in Classic Folders

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