
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions

The Packages Page

Enables you to toggle column visibility. By default, all columns are displayed. Clear or select the check boxes corresponding to the columns you want to stay hidden or visible, respectively.

Click Reset in the Visible Columns drop-down to return to the default configuration with all columns enabled and visible.
SearchLooks for specific packages that match your input. Searches according to the name.

Enables you to upload packages from a Studio instance that is not connected to Orchestrator, and displays the Upload Package window.

Please note that, by default, the maximum package size limit is 30MB. This value can be changed in IIS, as explained here.
Name The name of the published package.

The process type is illustrated with an icon displayed alongside the package name. The icon represents the type for the latest package version, regardless if its the active version or not.
Requires User Interface requires_user_interface
Background Process requires_user_interface
Description The description of the package, as it was filled in in Studio when it was created.
Project TypeThe underlying project type, the possible values are:

Process = standard RPA process.
Business Process = StudioX projects.
Testing = Test automation project.
Legacy Process = a project with no available metadata.
Published The amount of time that has passed since the last version of the package was published to Orchestrator. Hovering over this field displays the exact publish date and time.
Explore Package

Opens the Explore Package window, which enables you to view and explore the graphical representation of any .xaml file that is part of a package version in a manner similar to that of Studio's Designer panel.
View Versions

Enables you to view all the available versions of a package, in the Package Versions window.

The Package Versions Window

The Versions Tab

Remove All Inactive Removes all the package versions that are not in a process. If none of the versions were ever used in a process, then they are all deleted.
Status The status of the package version. A package version can have the following statuses:
Active - it was at some point deployed to a process; even if it is no longer used in a process, the package version still remains Active.
Inactive - it was NEVER deployed to a process (only these packages can be deleted).
Version The version of a specific package that was published to Orchestrator.
PublishedThe amount of time that has passed since a specific version was published to Orchestrator. Hovering over this field displays the exact publication date and time.
More ActionsDisplays a menu with the following options:
Show arguments - Displayed only if the package has input and output arguments.
Displays the Arguments window for the corresponding version, where you can view if an argument is inherited from Studio or if it doesn't have a default value.
Please note that this button is not displayed in the following cases:
The package was created prior to v2018.3 and was uploaded before updating your Orchestrator to v2018.3.
The package was uploaded with a Robot that has an older version than 2018.3.
Show release notes - Displays the release notes for the corresponding version.
Download package - Enables you to manually download a package version.

Deletes the selected package(s). This button is displayed only if you selected at least one package version. If the selected package version is active (deployed to an environment), you cannot delete it.

The Change Log Tab

VersionThe version of a specific package that was published to Orchestrator.
AuthorThe user logged in on the machine from which the package had been published.
PublishedThe amount of time that has passed since a specific version was published to Orchestrator. Hovering over this field displays the exact publication date and time.
Download Package

Enables you to download a certain package version.

The Upload Package Window

BrowseEnables you to select the package that you want to upload to Orchestrator.
Note: Only files with the .nupkg extension can be uploaded.
CancelCloses the Upload Package window without uploading the selected package.

Uploads the selected package to Orchestrator and closes the Upload Package window.

The Explore Package Window

The Explore Package window enables you to explore the contents of a package version in a similar manner as that present in Studio. It is comprised of the following:

  • the Versions panel
  • the Variables, Arguments, and Imports panels - All the information presented here is specific to the selected package version and .xaml file. The only difference between these panels and the ones in Studio is that they are not editable. Details about them are available in the Studio guide, in the Variables, Arguments, and Imported Namespaces pages.
  • the Workflow Viewer panel - Enables you to view the graphical representation of any .xaml file in your project. As in Studio, you can zoom in or out, expand all the activities, or reset your view to the default one. Double-clicking a container enables you to see it in a focused view, while breadcrumbs help you keep track of where you are or return to a previous view. Clicking an activity here displays the Properties panel.
  • the Properties panel - Similar to that present in Studio, this panel displays the properties of the currently selected activity. Hover over a property value to copy it to your Clipboard.

The Versions Panel

The Versions panel displays all the versions available for a given package, along with the information presented below.

first_fieldThe version of the currently opened package. All the package versions that are available in Orchestrator are displayed here. Click any version to view more information about it.
second_fieldDisplays the following information:
the package author
the publish date
the project description

Please note that these fields are populated according to the information available in Studio.
third_fieldDisplays all the .xaml files that are part of the selected package version. The file set as Main is labeled accordingly.
fourth_fieldDisplays all the package dependencies, as they were set in Studio. For more info, please see this page.

Toggles the compare mode, enabling you to select check boxes in front of the package versions or workflows you want to compare.
CompareButtonDisplays the Comparing window with graphical representations of the differences between the compared package versions or workflows. Please note that this button becomes active only after selecting two package versions or workflows.
For more info, please see this page.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions

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