
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions

This page is only displayed in classic folders.
Robot management in modern folders is done at user level (Management Menu > Users).

The Robots Page

Environments tabOpens the Environments page that enables you to create or edit environments.
Enables you to toggle column visibility. By default, all columns are displayed. Clear or select the check boxes corresponding to the columns you want to stay hidden or visible, respectively.

Click Reset in the Visible Columns drop-down to return to the default configuration with all columns enabled and visible.
SearchLooks for robots that match your input. You can search according to robot name, machine name, and username.
Machine FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the Machine name.
User FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the user for whom the robot is created. Has the domain\username syntax.
Type FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the Robot type. The following options are available:
Hosting Type FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the hosting type. The following options are available:
Environments FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the name of the environment.
Status FilterEnables you to filter the page according to the UiPath Robot status. The following options are available:
Reset to defaultsThis button is displayed only if you made changes to any of the filters described above, and enables you to return to the default settings.

Please note that this button also resets the number of items displayed per page.

When clicked it expands into three options from which you can choose:
Standard Robot - displays the Create a New Standard Robot window, which allows you to define and provision a new standard robot.
Floating Robot - displays the Create a New Floating Robot window, which allows you to define and provision a new floating robot.
Close - collapses the three options.

The Add button is grayed out if you do not have a license, have used up all your Robot licenses, or do not have Create permissions on Robots.

Deletes the selected robot(s) from the database. Note that at least one robot must be selected for this button to be available.
Name The name of the robot. It can have a maximum of 19 characters and can include special characters.
Machine The name of the machine where UiPath Robot is installed for the corresponding user.
In parentheses, the name of the template which generated the key used for connecting that UiPath Robot to Orchestrator is displayed. E.g.: LAPTOP-IN719 (Temp543).
UserThe username used to connect UiPath Robot to Orchestrator, in the format domain\username.
Type The license type of the robot. The following options are available:

For floating robots, the hosting type is displayed alongside the license type. E.g.: Studio Floating.

For attended robots, the licensing status is also illustrated here as a green/red colored icon. See here details about robot statuses.
Environments The names of the environments to which the robot is assigned.
StatusThe last known connection status of UiPath Robot as communicated through the most recent heartbeat. Hover over this field to display the date and time of the last heartbeat. See here details about robot statuses.
More Actions

Displays a menu that has the following options:
Edit - displays the Edit Robot window which enables you to edit robot settings.
You cannot edit any robot details if your license has expired.
When UiPath Robot is busy executing a process, you cannot edit its Machine Name, Username, and Type.
View Logs - displays the Logs page, which contains logs generated by the corresponding UiPath Robot.
Duplicate - enables you to duplicate the configuration of an existing robot, so that you can create a new one for a different user.
Monitor Robot - displays the Monitoring page for that robot.
Convert to Floating - converts a standard robot into a floating robot. More details here.
The conversion is permanent!
Remove - deletes the corresponding robot entity.
You can only delete robots if they do not have pending or active jobs attached to them. Deleting a robot also removes it from all associations it may be part of (environments, assets, processes, schedules).

The New Standard Robot Window

Machine The name of the machine.

It has to be an exact match to the name on the workstation on which UiPath Robot is installed. See here how to find the name of the machine.
You can either select a machine from the drop-down, or fill in a name in order to automatically create a new one.
Name A custom name for the robot. It can have a maximum of 19 characters and can include special characters.
DescriptionDescription of the robot. We recommend using this field when you have multiple robots, so you easily identify them.
TypeChoose the licensing type of the robot. The available options are:
Credential StoreApplicable only for unattended robots, and when you have more than one credential store configured.
The location where the robot credentials will be saved, either the native Orchestrator database or your external CyberArk® store(s). If you have a default robot credential store configured, it is automatically selected here.
Domain\UsernameThe username used to connect to the machine on which UiPath Robot is installed. If the user is under a domain, you are required to also specify it in a DOMAIN\username format. If this is not filled in, you cannot start jobs on Unattended or NonProduction Robots.
You must use short domain names, such as desktop\administrator and NOT desktop.local/administrator.
Password The Windows password of the machine on which UiPath Robot is installed. Not required for attended robots.
If this is not filled in, jobs started on unattended or nonproduction robots fail.
External NameAvailable only when using a CyberArk® credential store.
The name of the robot to be used when communicating with CyberArk®. It is automatically filled in but may be edited.
The password represents a SmartCard PinEnables SmartCard authentication for the current robot.
Stand-alone licenseIt ensures that Orchestrator does not allocate a license from its pool of licenses for Studio/StudioX/StudioPro robots, if Studio/StudioX/StudioPro are already licensed locally.
For floating robots in classic folders using a stand-alone license disconnects UiPath Robot from Orchestrator. In the UiPath Robot tray the robot is displayed as Unlicensed. As soon as a local license is available, UiPath Robot becomes licensed and is displayed as Available in Orchestrator.
Create AnotherWhen selected, the values in the Machine and Type fields are kept so you can create a new robot, on the same Windows Server machine, yet under a different user. Recommended when having a high-density environment.
You cannot create multiple standard robots on the same machine with different keys and machine names.
CreateRegisters the robot to Orchestrator and saves your settings. This button is disabled until all required fields are filled in.
Cancel Closes the Create a New Standard Robot window, without saving your settings.

The New Floating Robot Window

Name A custom name for the robot. It can have a maximum of 19 characters and can include special characters.
DescriptionDescription of the robot. We recommend using this field when you have multiple robots, so you easily identify them.
TypeChoose the licensing type of the robot. The available options are:
Domain\UsernameThe username used to connect to the machine on which UiPath Robot is installed. If the user is under a domain, you are required to also specify it in a DOMAIN\username format.
You must use short domain names, such as desktop\administrator and NOT desktop.local/administrator.
Stand-alone licenseIt ensures that Orchestrator does not allocate a license from its pool of licenses for Studio/StudioX/StudioPro robots, if Studio/StudioX/StudioPro are already licensed locally.
For floating robots in classic folders using a stand-alone license disconnects UiPath Robot from Orchestrator. In the UiPath Robot tray the robot is displayed as Unlicensed. As soon as a local license is available, UiPath Robot becomes licensed and is displayed as Available in Orchestrator.
Create AnotherWhen selected, the values in the Machine and Type fields are kept so you can create a new robot, on the same Windows Server machine, yet under a different user. Recommended when having a high-density environment.
You cannot create multiple standard robots on the same machine with different keys and machine names.
CreateRegisters the robot to Orchestrator and saves your settings. This button is disabled until all required fields are filled in.
Cancel Closes the Create a New Standard Robot window, without saving your settings.

The Settings Tab

It offers a way of controlling UiPath Robot execution settings from Orchestrator and on a per process basis, without needing to connect to the Robot machine each time. These options stay the same regardless of robot and folder types.

See these settings and their descriptions here.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions

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