
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Connecting Robots to Orchestrator

There are two ways to connect your Robot to Orchestrator:

  • Manually - using the Orchestrator URL and the corresponding machine key
  • Automatically - using a connection string.

Being able to connect UiPath Robot to Orchestrator, manually or automatically, requires you to first correctly configure and define user, robot, and machine entities in Orchestrator in accordance to your real-life setup.
If a distinct person takes care of the Orchestrator configuration in your company, make sure they provide you with the correct Orchestrator URL and machine key or connection string.
If you have multiple Robots for different users on the same machine, you must create a robot for each in Orchestrator.
Click here for details about robots in modern folders.
Click here for details about robots in classic folders.

Manually Connecting Robots

From Orchestrator and the Orchestrator Settings Window

Administrator rights are required to perform this procedure for Service Mode Robots.

  1. Click UiPath Assistant in the system tray to display the UiPath Assistant tray.
  2. On the Settings menu select Orchestrator Settings. The Orchestrator Settings window is displayed.
  3. In the Orchestrator URL field, enter Orchestrator’s web address.


If you are using a Automation Cloud service, add the AccountLogicalName and ServiceName, such as

  1. In the Machine Key field, enter the key generated by the machine entity in Orchestrator.
    Click here for details about the different machine entities in Orchestrator and when to use each.
  2. Click Connect. UiPath Robot is now connected to Orchestrator. Each time a UiPath Robot is registered to Orchestrator, a Robot user with the Robot role is automatically generated in the Users page.)



The High-Density Robots feature only works if the same machine name and key are used when registering each Robot per user.


If you're looking for an overview on connecting UiPath Robot to Orchestrator using a machine key generated for the machine on which it is installed, and that machine only, watch the video below. It showcases creating a standard machine and a standard robot in Orchestrator and using them to connect UiPath Robot to an Automation Cloud service. For a fully detailed how-to and particularities, read the documentation.

From the Command Line

  1. Save the machine key generated in Orchestrator to the Clipboard or a file.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Go to the directory where your UiPath Robot is installed (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio). For example: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio.
  4. Use the --connect, -url and -key command line arguments in conjunction with the Orchestrator URL and machine key. For example: UiRobot.exe --connect -url -key ba1e4809-2f64-4965-bae2-efda62d20164. UiPath Robot is now connected to Orchestrator. In a High-Density environment, the Robot corresponding to each user is connected to Orchestrator.

Automatic Enrollment of Robots

The connection string is a URL that contains the following information:

  • the Orchestrator URL - identifies the Orchestrator instance UiPath Robot connects to;
  • tenant ID - identifies the tenant UiPath Robot connects to;
  • domain name - identifies the domain of the machine; this is only necessary if the machine is in a different domain than that specified for the WindowsAuth.Domain parameter in web.config (this is valid for subdomain machines as well). The domain needs to be in a two-way trust relationship with the one set for the WindowsAuth.Domain parameter.
    Click here for details about authorization parameters in web.config.

Here are two examples of connection strings according to the machine's domain:

  • Same domain as specified in web.config -
  • Different domain than the one specified in web.config -



In order to deploy Robots to Orchestrator using connection string, the following are required:
the WindowsAuth.Enabled parameter from the web.config file has to be set to true
the WindowsAuth.Domain parameter has to be set to a valid domain
the Service Mode Robot has to be installed.

  1. In Orchestrator, navigate to the Settings page, General tab. (User menu > Settings > General). Look for the Connection String field, and click Copy. The connection string is copied to the clipboard.
  1. Send the connection string to the Robot machine you want to connect to Orchestrator (via e-mail, USB stick etc.)
  2. Use an automatic deployment tool to install the Robots and provide the connection string copied above in the CONNECTIONSTRING parameter used with the UiPathStudio.msi installer. UiPath Robot is connected to Orchestrator and is displayed as Available in the Robots page.

Updated 2 years ago

Connecting Robots to Orchestrator

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