
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

About Installation

The installation artifacts are provided when you first purchase Orchestrator or they can be provided by your customer success manager or our support team. If you want to try our products prior to purchasing, check out the trial versions on our website here.

Orchestrator installation can be done in the following ways:

  • through a Windows installer - a complex installation of Orchestrator and all its components, on one or multiple nodes. Please note that the repair functionality of the Windows Installer is not supported.
  • through an installation script for Azure - a complex installation of Orchestrator and its components on one or multiple nodes, in the Azure Portal.
  • through the UiPath Platform installer - an executable that helps you install Orchestrator, Robot, and Studio. The installation procedure is the same as with the Windows Installer, yet please note that this installer does not accept command line arguments. This is usually recommended for one-node architectures.

Regardless of the way you choose to install, please note that if the database you point to does not exist, it is automatically created during the installation.

UiPath collects usage and performance data to help diagnose problems and help improve Orchestrator. For more details about UiPath’s privacy practices, please review the privacy statement.



Before installing the UiPath Orchestrator, please go through all the steps provided in Prerequisites for Installation.

Logging in to Orchestrator using the Internet Explorer or Edge web browsers does not work if the name of your website contains an underscore (“_”), such as

Also, please keep in mind that regardless of the type of installation, in order for the scheduling features to work properly, you must ensure that:

  • in clustered mode the clocks on all machines have to be synchronized within less than one second;
  • the clocks for the database and Orchestrator machines also have to be synchronized;
  • if the SQL database enters a faulted state it is recommended to restart the Orchestrator web server from IIS. If you are in an NLB environment, please restart all web servers.

About the Windows Installer

The UiPath Orchestrator Windows installer (UiPathOrchestrator.msi) can help you install Orchestrator and enables you to perform the following:

  • install on one or multiple nodes;
  • configure the IIS settings (website + app pool);
  • add firewall rules for the chosen website port;
  • configure database settings for an SQL Server database;
  • automatically sets up all NuGet feeds for packages and activities;
  • set up Elasticsearch for logging;
  • enable Windows authentication.

By default Orchestrator is installed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator directory.

The multi-node installation also requires you to execute a script called Configure-PlatformNode.ps1, that can be found, by default, in the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools\Configure-PlatformNode.ps1 folder.

The UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe can help you install the entire UiPath suite, but you cannot run setup command line arguments on it.



You cannot change the website name.

About the Azure Installation Script

The Azure installation script enables you to install and configure all the same components as the Windows installer and scripts, with one or more multiple nodes. This script is differentiated from the other by the fact that it can help you install Orchestrator in the Azure Portal, with app services.

The UiPath Platform Installer

The UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe is an installer application which bundles all our products and enables you to install, uninstall, or update Orchestrator, Robot, and Studio on the same machine. The processes are exactly the same as the ones you would go through using the Windows installers, UiPathStudio.msi and UiPathOrchestrator.msi.

However, please note that the UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe does not accept command line arguments.

Updated 2 years ago

About Installation

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