
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Field Descriptions

The Folders Page

New Folder

Opens the New Folder window, where you can create a new Classic or Modern folder (if enabled).
Add subfolder

Opens the New Subfolder window, where you can create a new subfolder to the currently selected folder.
Note: This option is only available for modern folders.
More Actions

Opens a menu with the following options:
edit_folderEdit - Opens the Edit Folder window.
remove_folderRemove - Deletes the current folder.

Appears twice on the page:
From the Manage Folders pane, search all folders and subfolders.
From the select folder, search all users assigned to the current folder. You can search by username.
View Inherited UsersUse the checkbox to select if inherited users are displayed.
Assign User

Opens the Assign User window, where you can search all available users and add them to the current folder.
UsernameThe usernames of all users assigned to the current folder. Can be sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical order.
RolesThe roles assigned to the user.
Unassign user from this folder

Removes that user from the current folder.

The New Folder Window

NameMandatory. Cannot exceed 115 characters.
Give a custom name to a new folder.
DescriptionOptional. Cannot exceed 500 characters.
Type a custom description for a new folder.
Folder typeMandatory.
Use the radio buttons to select the type of folder to be created, Modern or Classic.
Role assignment modelMandatory.
Only editable for folders of type Modern.
Use the radio buttons to select how users roles in the new folder will be assigned. The following options are available:
Inherit from tenant - Folder users have the role(s) granted them at tenant level. All classic folders use this model.
Custom Roles - Roles can be fine-grained on a per user and per folder basis. Only available for folders of type Modern.
CancelClose the window without saving the new folder.
CreateCreates the folder with the specified configuration.

Updated 2 years ago

Field Descriptions

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