
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Updating Using the Azure Script

  1. Download the latest available archive.
  2. Unblock the file using the PowerShell command Unblock-File. For example, Unblock-File .\
  3. Unarchive
  4. Run the Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 script in PowerShell on the Orchestrator instance you want to update. Take into account that your web.config settings are persisted if not explicitly specified as script parameters. Check out these examples or the entire list of parameter values that are persisted on updates.



  • Before running the Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 script, make sure you uninstall the AzureRM PowerShell module. We recommend using the Az PowerShell module as an alternative. Having both AzureRM and Az modules installed at the same time is not supported.

  • If the desired Az version is not detected, and AzureRM is present when running the script, you are prompted to confirm the AzureRM removal even on unattended installations.

  • Upgrading to Az v6.0.0 when any previous version of the module is in use causes the following message to pop up: WARNING: The version 'x.x.x' of module 'Az.<Name>' is currently in use. Retry the operation after closing the applications. In order to solve this problem, make sure to execute Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 in a new PowerShell session.

  1. If you are updating a multi-node Orchestrator instance, flush all Redis cache keys, using the FLUSHALL or FLUSHDBcommand. More info on them is available here or here.
  2. Start the Orchestrator app service. Enjoy using Orchestrator on your Azure Portal.
  3. Restart the UiPath Robot service on all Robot machines you have connected to Orchestrator. If you are updating from v2016.2, please note that you also need to add the username and passwords for all your Robots before restarting the service.

Updated about a year ago

Updating Using the Azure Script

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