
UiPath Orchestrator

The UiPath Orchestrator Guide

Configuring SSO: Azure Active Directory

This section describes how to enable Azure AD authentication for your Orchestrator App Service.

From the Azure Portal:

  1. Register your Orchestrator App Service.
  2. Select Manifest from the left menu and edit the following keys:
    • oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching - set to true.
    • oauth2AllowIdTokenImplicitFlow - set to true.
    • oauth2AllowImplicitFlow - set to true.
  3. Save the Manifest changes.
  4. From the Development Tools menu navigate to Advanced Tools > Go > Debug Console > CMD.
  5. Open the Site folder and navigate to wwwroot.
  6. Use Kudu to open and edit the web.config file and the following keys:
    a. ExternalAuth.AzureAD.Enabled - set to true to enable Azure Active Directory for authentication.
    b. ExternalAuth.AzureAD.ApplicationId - enter the ApplicationId associated of this Orchestrator App Service.
    c. ExternalAuth.AzureAD.RedirectUri - enter the Orchestrator web app URL that should also be used when registering in Azure Active Directory (e.g.
  7. Save the web.config changes and restart the Orchestrator application.
  8. You can now log in to Orchestrator and use the admin account to provision your AD users.

Updated 2 days ago

Configuring SSO: Azure Active Directory

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