
UiPath Studio

The UiPath Studio Guide

GenericValue Variables

The GenericValue variable is a type of variable that can store any kind of data, including text, numbers, dates, and arrays, and is particular to UiPath Studio.

GenericValue variables are automatically converted to other types, in order to perform certain actions. However, it is important to use these types of variables carefully, as their conversion may not always be the correct one for your project.

UiPath Studio has an automatic conversion mechanism of GenericValue variables, which you can guide towards the desired outcome by carefully defining their expressions. Take into account that the first element in your expression is used as a guideline for what operation Studio performs. For example, when you try to add two GenericValue variables, if the first one in the expression is defined as a String, the result is the concatenation of the two. If it is defined as an Integer, the result is their sum.

Supported .NET Methods

Function GenericValue.CompareTo(other As GenericValue) As Integer

Function GenericValue.CompareTo(obj As Object) As Integer
[Click here for details.][1]
Function GenericValue.Contains(other As String) As Boolean
[Click here for details.][2]

Used to check whether a string variable contains a certain substring or not. For example, if you want to check if a sentence contains a specific word, the expression should be [SentenceVariable].Contains("term"), where [SentenceVariable] is the GenericValue variable containing the sentence and "term" is the word to be searched for.

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.Equals(other As GenericValue) As Boolean

Function GenericValue.Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
[Click here for details.][3]
Function GenericValue.GetHashCode() As Integer
[Click here for details.][5]
Function Object.GetType() As Type
[Click here for details.][6]
Function GenericValue.GetTypeCode() As TypeCode
[Click here for details.][7]
Function GenericValue.IndexOf(value As String) As Integer

Function GenericValue.IndexOf(value As String, comparisonType As StringComparison) As Integer

Function GenericValue.IndexOf(value As String, startIndex As Integer) As Integer

Function GenericValue.IndexOf(value As String, startIndex As Integer, comparisonType As StringComparison) As Integer
[Click here for details.][8]

Used to return the index of a substring contained inside a string variable. For example, if you want to find the index of the word "locate" inside the sentence "Find 'locate' in this sentence", the expression should be [SentenceVariable].IndexOf("locate"), where [SentenceVariable] is the GenericValue variable containing the sentence and "locate" is the term to be searched for.

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.Lenght() As Integer
[Click here for details.][9]

Used to return the number of characters in a string variable. For example, if you want to find out how many letters a word has, the expression should be [WordVariable].Length, where [WordVariable] is the GenericValue variable containing the word.

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.Replace(oldValue As String, new value As String) As String
[Click here for details.][10]

Used to replace data contained inside a string variable. For example, if you want to change a local file path C:\ExampleFolder\Main.xaml into the corresponding server file path C:/ExampleFolder/Main.xaml, the expression should be [PathVariable].Replace("\","/") where [PathVariable] is the GenericValue variable containing the file path, "\" is the character to be replaced and "/" is the character used as replacement.

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.Split(ParamArray separator As Char()) As String()

Function GenericValue.Split(ParamArray separator As String()) As String()

Function GenericValue.Split(separator As Char(), options As StringSplitOptions) As String()

Function GenericValue.Split(separator As String(), options As StringSplitOptions) As String()
[Click here for details.][11]

Used to return individual components from a string variable. For example, if you want to extract the year from a MM.DD.YYYY date format, the expression should be [DateVariable].Split(".".ToCharArray)(2), where [DateVariable] is the GenericValue variable containing the date, "." is the character used as a separator, .ToCharArray is a method that creates an array with the elements delimited by the separator and (2) represents the index of the element to be returned, in our case, the year.

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.Substring(startIndex As Integer) As String

Function GenericValue.Substring(startIndex As Integer, length As Integer) As String
[Click here for details.][12]

Used to return a substring contained in a string variable. For example, if you want to extract a word from the "There are 100 machines available" sentence, the expression should be [SentenceVariable].Substring(10,3), where [SentenceVariable] is the GenericValue variable containing the sentence, 10 is the index of the first character to be returned, and 3 is the length of the substring starting from the first character. In this example, the resulted substring would be "100".

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.ToBoolean(provider As IFormatProvider) As Boolean
[Click here for details.][13]
Function GenericValue.ToByte(provider As IFormatProvider) As Byte
[Click here for details.][14]
Function GenericValue.ToChar(provider As IFormatProvider) As Char
[Click here for details.][15]
Function GenericValue.ToDecimal(provider As IFormatProvider) As Decimal

Function GenericValue.ToDecimal(format As NumberStyles) As Decimal
[Click here for details.][17]
Function GenericValue.ToDouble(provider As IFormatProvider) As Double

Function GenericValue.ToDouble(format As NumberStyles) As Double
[Click here for details.][18]
Function GenericValue.ToInt(culture As IFormatProvider) As Integer?

Function GenericValue.ToInt() As Integer?
Used to convert a specified value to a nullable integer.

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Boolean, the "True" and "False" values are converted to 1 and 0, respectively.
Function GenericValue.ToInt16(provider As IFormatProvider) As Short
[Click here for details.][20]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Boolean, the "True" and "False" values are converted to 1 and 0, respectively.
Function GenericValue.ToInt32(provider As IFormatProvider) As Integer
[Click here for details.][21]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Boolean, the "True" and "False" values are converted to 1 and 0, respectively.
Function GenericValue.ToInt64(provider As IFormatProvider) As Long
[Click here for details.][22]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Boolean, the "True" and "False" values are converted to 1 and 0, respectively.
Function GenericValue.ToLower() As String
[Click here for details.][23]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.ToLowerInvariant() As String
[Click here for details.][24]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.ToSByte(provider As IFormatProvider) As SByte
[Click here for details.][25]
Function GenericValue.ToSingle(provider As IFormatProvider) As Single
[Click here for details.][26]
Function GenericValue.ToString(formatProvider As IFormatProvider) As String

Function GenericValue.ToString(format As String, formatProvider As IFormatProvider) As String

Function GenericValue.ToString() As String
[Click here for details.][27]
Function GenericValue.ToType(conversionType As Type, provider As IFormatProvider) As Object
[Click here for details.][29]
Function GenericValue.ToUInt16(provider As IFormatProvider) As UShort
[Click here for details.][30]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Boolean, the "True" and "False" values are converted to 1 and 0, respectively.
Function GenericValue.ToUInt32(provider As IFormatProvider) As UInteger
[Click here for details.][31]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Boolean, the "True" and "False" values are converted to 1 and 0, respectively.
Function GenericValue.ToUInt64(provider As IFormatProvider) As Ulong
[Click here for details.][32]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Boolean, the "True" and "False" values are converted to 1 and 0, respectively.
Function GenericValue.ToUpper() As String
[Click here for details.][33]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.ToUpperInvariant() As String
[Click here for details.][34]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.Trim(ParamArray trimChars As Char()) As String

Function GenericValue.Trim() As String
[Click here for details.][35]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.TrimEnd(ParamArray trimChars As Char()) As String
[Click here for details.][36]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.
Function GenericValue.TrimStart(ParamArray trimChars As Char()) As String
[Click here for details.][37]

Note: When using this method with a GenericValue variable of data type Int, Float or Boolean, the data is automatically converted to String and handled accordingly.

Example of Using a GenericValue Variable

To demonstrate how a GenericValue variable works, let us create an automation that performs different operations whose results depend on the way we define their expressions. We create two GenericValue variables of different data types and display the results in the Output panel.

  1. Create a new blank project.
  2. Create three GenericValue variables: Int, Str, and Result.
  3. In the Default column for the Int variable, type 12, and for the Str variable, type "34". The first variable is interpreted as an integer, while the second one is interpreted as a string.
  1. Add an Assign activity to the Designer panel and connect it to the Start node.
  2. In the Properties panel, in the To field, enter the Result variable.
  3. In the Value field, type Int + Str.
  4. Add a Write Line activity and connect it to the Assign one.
  5. In the Properties panel, in the Text field, enter the Result variable.
    The project should look as in the following screenshot.
  1. Press F5 to execute your automation. Note that, in the Output panel, the sum of the two numbers is displayed.
  1. Go back to the previously added Assign activity and change the Value field to Str + Int, to reverse the order of the variables. The project should look as in the following screenshot.
  1. Press F5 to execute your automation. Note that, in the Output panel, the concatenation of the two numbers is displayed.

This means that UiPath Studio takes the first element defined in your expression as a guideline for what operation to perform. If the first element in your expression is an integer or a GenericValue variable filled in as integer, UiPath Studio will perform the sum of the elements.
If the first element in your expression is a string or a GenericValue variable filled in as string, UiPath Studio will perform the concatenation of the elements.

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Updated 2 years ago

GenericValue Variables

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