
UiPath Studio

The UiPath Studio Guide


Release date: 20 January 2020

What’s New


We’re introducing new Workflow Analyzer rules: Argument Length Exceeded, Empty Workflow, and SecureString Argument.

In addition, several existing rules have been updated with default values. The Undefined Output Properties rule now has a number of activities that are excluded by default. You can add your own to the list.

The Nested If Clauses rule now has an editable default threshold of 3, and the Hardcoded Activity Arguments rule now checks a number of activities by default and more can be added.

Workflow Analyzer rules also received the option to reset default values to default. Right-click a rule in the Project Settings window and click Reset to Default.

When validating or analyzing a process containing activities from unresolved dependencies, the Error List panel now displays a recommendation along with the error. A link to the documentation with more information is also provided. Learn more about the Error List panel here.

Information from Project Anatomy Rules can now be expanded in the Error List panel. This means that the list of activities gathered by the File Activities Stats rule can be expanded in the panel.

The default behavior of the Global Exception Handler has changed. By default, the template is triggered once per exception and is retried 3 times before aborting the execution. The Abort option now throws the initial exception. Learn more here.

Variables, Workflow Arguments, and Activity Properties used in a workflow are now displayed under the corresponding property of the errorInfo argument when the workflow is ran in debug mode using the Global Exception Handler.

Processes can be marked as Background or Orchestration by toggling the Background Process and Supports Persistence options in the Project Settings window. Learn more about this here.

The Shift + Enter adds a new line under the inputted value of an activity, while the Ctrl + Enter shortcut adds a new line above the inputted value both in the Designer and Properties panels. Use Enter shortcut to set the inputted value in the activity. Read more about this here.

Processes and queues are now ordered alphabetically in the Orchestrator Resources panel. Read more about this panel here.

Studio supports integration with both Azure DevOps Server and Azure DevOps Services. Learn more about this here.

Git integration in Studio now supports proxy server configuration. Read more about this here.

The layout of panels available during debugging is reset after upgrading Studio.

The values of complex objects lists of strings or dictionary variables can now be monitored during debugging from the Watch panel. Learn more about this panel here.

We’ve made some slight UI changes to items in the Locals panel which are now slimmer. In addition, editable resources are now marked with a specific icon. Learn more about the Locals panel here.

Studio is now compliant with Section 508 Accessibility Level A.

Known Issues

Libraries containing .xaml files invoked from parent folders cannot be published. There are two workarounds available, either move both files to the same folder or level, or switch to the legacy libraries compiler. More about this is available here.

The Open a Local Project and Open Recent options in Studio Backstage view are greyed out when closing an unsaved project with modifications to several xamlfiles.

The Select and Deselect All options work improperly when applying a filter in the Add new service wizard.

Bug Fixes

  • Upgrades from v19.4.5 or earlier would fail during license migration on machines where the language was set to Japanese.
  • The CHROME_POLICY_INSTALL_TYPE parameters were not validated during command-line installations.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Intellisense prompt in Expression Editor from closing after pressing the Esc keyboard shortcut.
  • If during debugging, an activity triggers an error after the execution had exited a container, the Continue button was not visible after clicking it once.
  • The Prefix Datatable Arguments and Arguments Naming Convention rules have been updated to better check for DataTable arguments with the dt abbreviation as part of their names.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Unused Variables rule to display a false positive warning when a variable was actually used in a Flow Decision activity part of a flowchart.
  • If a custom feed contained an invalid package, all other packages in the feed were not visible. Now, an error message is displayed in the Manage Packages window. It is recommended to fix or remove the corrupted .nupkg package and reopen the Manage Packages window to view all packages in the feed.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some projects from being opened in Studio on environments with certain OS configurations.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented libraries with the same name as the imported web service from being published in Studio.
  • Fixed an issue that triggered an error when copying a flowchart into another flowchart.
  • Studio no longer throws an exception when trying to open an invoked workflow that was previously removed from the project.
  • We’ve fixed some performance issues to make Studio more stable and reduce the loading time of processes and libraries.
  • Files from the .screenshots folder were not added to source control when using the Copy to Git option.
  • Dictionary Key and Value types were not evaluated, but the value of the dictionary object itself was when used with Create Test Bench action.
  • If the Orchestrator URL is changed in the Robot tray, Studio automatically refreshes the assets from Orchestrator.
  • If the user has no access rights or read-only access rights to a GIT repository, they are now prompted to add new credentials in order to correctly push to the remote repository.
  • When trying to commit a file with the same name as one that exists in the remote repository, Studio now opens the Solve Conflicts window, notifying the user to select the desired version of the file.
  • In the Orchestrator Resources panel, both the dropdown for selecting the folder and the status bar display long folder names as truncated. If the user hovers over the name, the tooltip reveals the full length/subfolders of the selected Orchestrator Folder.
  • Fixed an issue that caused activities from the UiPath.Persistence.Activities package to incorrectly execute when used with the Create Test Bench feature.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Watch panel from evaluating arguments during the execution if Step Into was used.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Studio from importing a process from a previously checked out TFS project.
  • Clicking the Taxonomy Manager button now opens the Taxonomy Manager screen, when no .xaml file is opened in the Designer.


  • Fixed an issue which rendered the Platform Installer unable to be removed via Windows’ Apps & features nor the UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe wizard if a localized Studio or Remote Runtime component (other than English) was installed or updated via the UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe on that machine.
  • The UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe did not properly check that prerequisites are met prior to beginning installation.
  • The UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe failed if a SQL database name greater than 123 characters was entered. A character limit is now imposed to prevent this error.

Updated about a year ago


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